Wednesday, June 29, 2016 SOCIAL & B EHAVIORAL SCIENCES (C HAIR ’S M EETING ) 3- 4PM, Canyons Hall 201 1. Welcome 2. Work Request Updates 3. Fall/Spring Schedule Building Reminder – notify adjuncts of available sections by 5/2 (AFT) Pathways, Honors, Learning Communities…. Spring schedule due to Dean by Monday 4/25. 4. Ed Planner Update (see handout) 5. Completion as Theme for 2016-17 (see handouts) 6. Measure E Bond – Information Educational & Facilities Master Plan 7. 2015-16 Budget Update Spending plan for spring 2016? Summer supply needs for SBS? 8. 2016-17 Budget Requests/Priorities Academic Affairs Prioritizations 9. Course/Assessment Coordinators (2016-17) Pending allocation i. Received Sociology, ECE, COMS applications ii. Psychology, Anthropology, Political Science? 10. Noncredit (IAC Meeting) 11. 2016-17 Meeting Dates/Times Chair Meeting @ 3pm-4pm (Location TBA) 9/13 2/14 10/11 3/14 11/8 4/11 12/6 5/9 School Meeting @ 3:30-5pm (Canyons Hall 201) 9/20 2/21 10/18 3/21 11/15 4/18 12/6 5/16 12. Accomplishments for 2016-17 13. Q&A UPCOMING EVENTS & READABLE INFORMATION Dr. Robert Melillo Help for children struggling with learning, behavioral and social issues Friday, April 29 at 7:00 p.m. University Center, Room 258 Space is limited! RSVP today at (661) 254-4243. ---------------------------------- FINAL SBS CHAIRS’ MEETING Tuesday May 17 @ 3PM (Canyons Hall 201) FALL 2016 FLEX WEEK August 15-18 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS/INSTRUCTION DAY Wednesday August 17 OPENING DAY Friday August 19 CLASSES BEGIN Monday August 22 NOTE: Off Campus SBS Chairs’ Retreat -- Thursday 8/11 or Friday 8/12 @ 11am-1pm (Location TBA) 1