SBS Chair Meeting_4-19-16.docx

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
April 19, 2016
SBS Chair Meeting
Call to Order: The SBS Chair Meeting was held on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 in Canyons Hall 201. It began
at 3:05 p.m. and was presided over by Paul Wickline, with Lisette Godinez as secretary.
Attendance: Anne Marenco, David Andrus, Lisa Malley, Sherrill Pennington, Victoria Leonard,
and Cindy Stephens.
Welcome: Thank you all for attending the meeting,
Work Requests Updates: Techs have been assigned to the work requests in Hasley Hall (the
women’s restroom faulty lock, and the chair rail in a classroom) but have not moved forward.
Lisette will follow up. Sherrill Pennington’s office has a few issues that need to be looked at.
Lisette will place a work order. If any issues arise, please let us know.
Schedule Building: Fall/Spring schedule build was due on April 25th. Paul would prefer to look at
the sections before they are offered to the adjuncts, and answer questions. Negotiations as to
classes and times can be discussed with Paul. Wait until hearing from Paul and Academic Affairs
before staffing the schedules. Paul created a tab in the spreadsheet for easy access, but
department chairs are allowed to delete and modify columns. Paul would also prefer to sit and
talk with department chairs about reasoning for classes and schedule building, so that they can
negotiate and have that conversation.
Ed Planner Update: Students have to complete education plans now. This is now a requirement
for all students. A handout was passed out to the chairs. Paul pointed out the last bullet before
the “To Do List” that reads: “We will give students the deadline of October 1, 2016. If they do
not complete the process by then, we will email a final notice explaining that we will be placing
a hold on their Winter and/or Spring 2017 registration until they complete the SEP.”
Completion: Deans met in IE and brainstormed the items on the handout passed out regarding
activities that can be pursued in 2016-17 that will impact the degree and certificate completion
metric. Paul would like SBS to think about activities to be discussed at future meetings.
Measure E Bond Information: The 2016 Educational & Master Plan for SBS was passed out. It
contains all the needs and space requested by each department. As we know, the only way to
fulfill these needs is through facility development, and we can only further facility development
through campaigning. Future development for the school is very important, and looks bright.
Chancellor Van Hook attended SBS school meeting with more information.
Issues with furniture and the Furniture Taskforce are a separate matter, and are not reflected in
this document.
2015-2016 Budget Update: Paul requests that the money in each department budget gets
spent. Lisette has been making several purchases, working with department chairs and faculty
members to make sure needs are met. A handout with updated budgets was handed out to
each corresponding department chair. Questions or concerns can be sent to either Paul or
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
April 19, 2016
Lisette. It is important to spend this money, as this money (especially Fund 12) can be easily
allocated to other COC funds by Dr. Buckley (like the library).
2016-2017 Budget Requests: A handout was passed out depicting the budget requests. The
one-time allocations are being closely looked out and recognized as forced costs. However,
there is a strong possibility that this money will not be granted next year. It is important to look
into other grants, and to plan accordingly.
Technology Innovation Fund: Feel free to talk to Paul if you have any questions. The deadline for the
2015-16 year was April 22. Future funding recommendations will take place in future meetings.
Closing: The meeting concluded at 4:05 p.m.