CEC FIPP Activity Report Name Holly Schumacher Date 11/15/2010 Department Student Services - Counseling FIPP Partner Karla Coti Class title & section # Human Development 8 - Section # 9249 Name of Activity/Strategy Next Actions List Category: (Please select only one.) (Reminder: You will submit one report from each of the categories.) Classroom Activity Classroom Environment Classroom Expectations Feedback & Evaluation Homework & Out-of-Classroom Learning Experiences Briefly describe the activity/strategy, providing enough detail so that a colleague can replicate the activity/strategy. 1. Introduction This homework assignment was to be introduced after students completed their study schedules and the reflection on study habits activity. After reflecting on where all the student's time was going, the student then made an action plan - the next actions list - to work on incorporating good study habits into their everyday lives. The students had this assignment as homework and had a full weekend to complete it. 2. Set-up & Supplies I collected the in-class assignment, "Reflection on Study Habits," and then talked to the students about the importance of not ony identifying where their time is spent, but also to make plans to do better in the future in terms of studying. I showed them an example of how to complete the homework asssignment and then let them know they have the weekend to really make a meaningful list of actions that will help them successed in their classes this semester. I gave them the handout and the students used their own writing utensil to complete the homework. 3. Directions I showed the students an example that I created on how to make a meaningful list of actions for a typical semeter-length set of classes. I instructed them on how to start it and then encouraged them not to rush to fill in the lines, but to reflect on how they can spend their time in the most effective way to improve their school performace. I then let the students know that the assignment is due next week and that it will be worh 5 points. What worked well? After collecting the homework assignments, I noticed that the students had written down a lot of information. I took a quick poll to see what the students thought of the time management oriented assignment. One sudent stated that he felt he had worked harder than usual after writing out the Next Actions List. He felt that he had completed more in a week than he would have if he had not made a list. Another student said that she was more organized overall and the assignment had helped her turn in all her required work on time. I asked, just as a joke, if anyone felt the homework was "busy work." No one said they thought it was a waste of time. I think the Next Actions List is yet another great On Course tool to help students stay organized and to manage their time appropriately. What would you change? I would not change the assignment, just the use of it. I noticed that I have given a lot of little homeworks to my 1-unit Human Development 8 class and I think this activity was unnecessary for the time management component of the course. For a lengthier Human Development class, this assignment would be a great fit. Would you use the activity/strategy again? Why or why not? Please describe any student learning and/or changes that you observed after the implementation of the activity/strategy. I noticed that the students are really getting into the assignments that I give them. They are writing more on the homework assignments and at the end of lecture today, eveyone wanted to complete the extra credit assignment for career exploration. I was thrilled! I think the students are opening up and enjoying the process of sharing their thoughts and ideas in writing and in the classroom.