CEC FIPP Activity Report Name Karla Coti Date 12/13/2010 Department Mathematics and Science FIPP Partner Holly Schumacher Class title & section # Chemistry 20, 9185 Name of Activity/Strategy Grade/Assignment Tracking Sheet Category: (Please select only one.) (Reminder: You will submit one report from each of the categories.) Classroom Activity Classroom Environment Classroom Expectations Feedback & Evaluation Homework & Out-of-Classroom Learning Experiences Briefly describe the activity/strategy, providing enough detail so that a colleague can replicate the activity/strategy. 1. Introduction After the third exam in my Chemistry 20 class, I handed out a grade or assignment tracking sheet so students can keep track of their assignments, due dates and the grade they earned for each assignment. 2. Set-up & Supplies I prepared an assignment grade tracking sheet for students to record their grades and assignments. In one column, it had the name of the assignment, in the second column the due date, the third column had a space for them to write their earned grade. The last column had the posible points for that assignemnt. 3. Directions Students were given this tracking sheet and told to keep it in a binder and bring it to class everyday so they could write down the assignments and their due dates. Once they received their graded assignements they could enter their grades on the sheet. What worked well? Most students remembered to bring their tracking sheets everyday to class and more than half wrote their grades down after receiving their graded assignments. Only about 6 students asked me what their total points were a week before the final, which told me that these 6 students were not using their track sheet. What would you change? I will hand this out in the beginning of the class and go back to it two times during the semester. Would you use the activity/strategy again? Why or why not? Yes. Most students were able to track and add up their total points. Most of them know what score they need on their final exam to get their desired grade. Please describe any student learning and/or changes that you observed after the implementation of the activity/strategy. Most of the students, the ones that remembered to bring their tracking sheet to class, did not ask me what grade they were getting in the class. Only a few did not use it as it was intended and were the ones asking me if they had missing assignments or for their grade in the course.