July 2, 2002

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
Tuesday, July 2, 2002
_x_ Rocky Bonura
_x_ Janet Clarke
__ Mike D’Amico
_x_ Maurice Elmore
__ Janice Ely
_x_ Pam Fees
__ Bob Gann
_x_ Vic Hanson
_x_ Alex Kelley
__ Donna Manno
__ David Miller
__ Andy Nasatir
__ Lynnda Nelson
__ Allene Quarles
__ Marcy Wade
_x_ Satish Warrier
Minutes: Corrections to minutes of June 18 were read at the request of Donna Manno who was
unable to attend July 2. Under division reports:
 Second bullet: Manager would not have access to the database this first year. SD will
provide reports as needed. We are working toward getting an open access database (year 2).
 Third bullet: The other two areas are doing training. I mentioned that I was working with
the VP’s and staff in AA and SCA.
 FYI, at this time we have 140 programs titles – still need back up info (data, location,
descriptions, etc.)
Minutes were accepted with the noted corrections and will be posted.
Bond: A resolution will be presented to the Board of Trustees at the July 15 meeting for a bond
issue of $394,000,000.
Annual Report: If the fourth quarter report is prepared under Q Builder, it will be accepted as the
annual report. Otherwise, use the old format. Reports are due November 1.
Accreditation Report dated June 20, 2002: Four recommendations were received, 3 of which are
carryovers from as far back as 1990. One recommendation is to implement an effective program
review process. As expected, it was directed to Administrative Services, but it also includes
Academic Affairs. Vic asked Pat Caldwell to share with him examples of others that have been
successful and was referred to Alan Hancock C.C. as a model.
The second recommendation was to improve accountability for performing classified staff
evaluations. This is recognized and there has been work on it but more is needed.
The third recommendation again was to link the budget development process and the planning
process. This was cited in 1990 and 1996.
The fourth recommendation is that the governance policy needs to be updated and clarified. This
was started at the last board meeting with revised Board Policy 2510 which replaces Policy 3605
and revised Administrative Procedure 2150 which replaces Procedure 801.
The recommendations are not difficult to address and it is a very positive accreditation report.
Report of progress on these items is due by April 2003.
Budget: Make up of the Planning and Budget Committee:
Bobby Villalobos, Chair
Lance Widman, Academic Senate
Bernie Rang, Federation of Teachers
Darren Peters, ASO
ECCE – to be determined
Mike D’Amico, Management
Tom Jackson, Academic Affairs
Cheryl Shenefield, Administrative Services
Bo Morton, Student and Community Advancement
This new committee will start in August after the existing Budget Development Committee
completes its work in developing the final budget for 2002-2003.
Resource people such as Alex Kelley and Satish Warrier do not need to attend every meeting. For
at least the first 4 months, the committee will be finding its way on a lot of issues. Need to wait and
see what is the agenda, revisions to technology plans should require ITS attendance.
Looking at the BDC calendar, July 18, August 1, and August 15 are the next meetings, and there is
a special meeting on August 29 for a workshop to review the final budget. PBC people should
attend this special meeting. The management listserv can be used for announcing the PBC
The Planning and Budget Committee will be staffed in the planning function by the vice president
of Planning and the dean of Planning, Research, and Development. It will be staffed in the
budgeting function by the vice president of Administrative Services and the business manager plus
any other appropriate person needed in the operation.
In August there will be staff members on sub-committees developing information to be reviewed.
The PBC is intended to be a steering committee. Include Pat Caldwell and Steve Fasteau in
development of BDC meetings in August. Whether the dates of meetings will stay on the first and
third Thursdays is to be determined.
It was asked if there will be alternates for the committee positions. Refer back to Board Policy
There is no State budget at this time.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
Rocky Bonura – The relocatables are safe. Some of the training submitted to Donna Manno to
implement, in particular human resources issues, need to be discussed with Allene. One problem
occurring is the timing of examinations to determine ability to perform the physical duties.
Personal medicals need to be monitored. If an employee is working on campus and a medical
problem is aggravated, it becomes workers’ comp. Managers need to be informed of their
responsibility. When using a limited duty note from the doctor, know restrictions that need to be in
place. Rocky is currently working on preparing a new procedure.
It was proposed that all hires should be done exclusively through Human Resources, not through
Job Placement or individual divisions and the paperwork forwarded to H.R.
Rocky should be getting the results from the indoor quality investigation. It all looks good at this
point. The entire Student Services building was tested, including the Special Resource Center.
Individuals on I.A. leaves who have some work restrictions that prevent them from performing their
current job can be productive in another position. Problem is they do not know how long the
restricted work could last.
Maurice Elmore – The final portable classroom went in last weekend; all are basically set up. Some
interior modifications are being done.
He met with Barbara Perez yesterday for support and help for some of the interior work to be done.
Natural Sciences is currently holding summer classes in rooms where furniture is needed for the
relocatables. This is causing problems with overtime that was supposed to be approved for lab
techs and people of Natural Sciences to pack up supplies and a year’s worth of accumulation.
Maurice will not approve overtime for his people if Academic Affairs people do not have the
overtime or comp time so that his people do not do all the work.
Alex Kelley - Continuing problems with instructors advising of moves without preplanning and
following procedures by managers. Cannot push using Procedure 519 when people are encouraged
to use online work orders. Facilities people cannot make moves until the entire package is received
from the dean. Forms need to be completed, timing coordinated, and not done piece meal.
Satish Warrier – Re: the move of EOP&S and CalWORKs, Jeff Dimsdale told ITS of move but did
not provide the requested floor plan.
VP’s need to issue a memo to all mangers to suspend the purchases of replacement computers,
except for emergency.
Regarding security, it was found that a manager in SCA logged on to 8 different machines at one
time. She logged on for other people who did not have access. All people are now restricted to log
on only to one computer.
Policy 3610 needs to be reintroduced. A meeting is needed for all managers on fiscal and on-line
security responsibilities.
Facilities and ITS staff should have tee shirts to identify them. Rocky suggested photo id, but
people do not read badges. Tee shirts are most recognizable. Other community colleges have been
successful with this.
Pamela Fees – Status report indicated overtime has been computed and paid for people in the
cafeteria working overtime as temporary employees. Janice Ely sent out a memo to all staff
members that people are not exempt from overtime. Still have to go back over the last two years for
Year-end closing is in process, things seem to be okay at this time.
There continues to be problems with U.S. mail delivery of payroll warrants. Students and casuals
seem to be most adversely affected. Staff in payroll cannot do anything about the late checks.
Propose going back to the divisions and asking them to be responsible to distribute to students and
hourly employees. A.S. managers determined this would not be considered a hardship and the
procedure was recommended. A draft of a memo will be prepared.
Janet Clarke – After several months of investigation and evaluation, the firm of C. W. Driver is
being recommended for the construction manager on the Natural Sciences project. It will be on the
July agenda. If costs are not be included, need to know. Bob Gann is preparing a rationale of why
this manager was chosen even though the bid was not the lowest.
The construction manager is different than the general contractor, they will contract with the subcontractors. They will review the entire bid, guarantee cost of building based on their plan check,
costs will be exact. They become the District’s advocate on dealing with subs to hold costs at bid.
Once awarded, the construction manager takes on overseeing the subs for the contractor. They keep
changes to a minimum. Any changes not authorized by the contract come out of the construction
manager’s expenses. It may be October before the actual construction begins.
Rocky would like to be advised of all meetings scheduled with subs and the construction manager.
The District has worked with this construction manager in the past.
There are a couple of awards on roofing projects to go after the 15th. Two different jobs but the
same company.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.