Administrative Services Staff Meeting November 5, 2002 PRESENT: ____Rocky Bonura __x_Janet Clarke __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Maurice Elmore __x_Janice Ely __x_Pam Fees ____Bob Gann __x_Vic Hanson __x_Alex Kelley __x_Donna Manno ____David Miller ____Andy Nasatir ____Lynnda Nelson __x_Allene Quarles __x_Marcy Wade __x_Satish Warrier Minutes: The minutes of October 22 were approved. FTES: Updated copies of a handout on projected FTES for 2002-03 (as of 10/23/02) were shared with the group. The two new pieces of information to note were: 1. The base has been reduced to 17,685. 2. Don’t expect full funding (per the Chancellor’s Office). The estimated excess FTES is now 3,841. Enrollment growth now needs to be cut back; consequently, a serious review of all programs is needed. Research also needs to be done on the various reasons why enrollment is up (i.e. compressed calendar, improved record keeping and reporting, etc.) Budget: Copies of the 2003-04 Budget Calendar were distributed. Development of the Preliminary Budget is just a month away. There is no mention of a rollover budget; however, with the PBC now in the picture, this is still to be determined. An updated version (as of 11/4/02) of the handout on the General Fund Unrestricted was shared with the group. It was reiterated and stressed that the problems with the General Fund Unrestricted are beyond what the bond can resolve. Examples: There is a $600,000 decrease in utilities income; but expenditures will increase. Interest income is down $400,000. Foreign student tuition income has increased, but things are uncertain. The college will have to start making PERS retirement contributions again ($600,000 in 0203), and the rate is expected to triple in the future. The bond will only help with unfunded capital outlay projects; however, if it doesn’t pass, this money must also come out of the general fund unrestricted. It was stressed that big changes are coming, both at the state and local levels, and adjustments will need to be made. At the state level, it has been suggested that the Human Resources division in Chancellor’s Office may be shut down. At ECC, there will be no freezing of unrepresented salaries; however, all programs subsidized by the college without providing any return will need to be evaluated. Annual Report: Annual reports for the fiscal year 2002 will be due December 20. This is the last time they will be done under the old narrative format. Beginning in 2003, use Q-builder quarterly for the calendar year. The first quarterly report will be due April 15, and it was suggested that the first objective for that report could be mastery of the Q-builder system. These reports will also replace the monthly status reports. No supplemental reports will be required for Administrative Services. It was reiterated that the Q-builder reports will lack the depth on information possible in the narrative reports and they will not be as user-friendly. Program Review: The current budget crisis will make program review more important than ever. Comments on the questions developed by Dr. Gates were shared with the group. 1. How do we define program? Is it a division or a unit? What are we evaluating? Services? Effectiveness? Appropriateness? 2. We want to know in order to become more effective and efficient. 3. Yes, but a definition is needed first. 4. Who would be doing it, since we no longer have a research department? Is it a self- review? We wouldn’t be able to do them all at once due to lack of personnel. 5. A three or four-year cycle with alternating areas was suggested. 6. The PBC and/or College Council and/or the divisions being evaluated should determine the measures. 7. Data will vary with each division. 8. It is hoped that they would be aligned. 9. It depends on the service. 10 & 11 are rhetorical. Committee Reports/Division Issues: Marcy Wade They are very pleased with the analysis that was done for the classification review and hope to be able to support the recommended changes. More information will be provided after it is presented to Cabinet. The increased cost of health benefits needs to be addressed. Information on Section 125 was sent out. Allene Quarles Information on long-term care has also been sent out. POA negotiations started yesterday. The Management Forum this Thursday will be an hour and a half of training. Maurice Elmore: He will be in charge while Bob and David are in Sacramento. They are starting the haz mat removal from science complex. ECC won’t be reimbursed by the state for this cost (approximately $50,000). They will also be removing several trees from the science complex area. A raccoon trashed Pat Caldwell’s office and a rat chewed through fiber optic cable in the basement of the Administration Building. An examination of the building for entry holes failed to show how these animals are getting in. Janice Ely: The auditors are here. Janet Clarke BHAG (big hairy audacious goals) was the buzzword at a recent partnering workshop with the science complex architects. One BHAG they committed to was that Phase 1 would be completed in nine months rather than twelve and that ECC could take occupancy in January of 2004. The issue of reimbursement requested for non-allowable travel expenses (alcohol, movies, honor bars, meals already paid for, etc.) needs to be addressed. Vice presidents need to deal with managers in their areas who are doing this. Alex Kelley Since 2/3 of the faculty are part-timers, and ECC is trying to get them to do more on computers, he suggested passing down the three-year-old faculty computers to parttimers based on seniority. The replacement of all computers on a three-year cycle was put into the bond package. Satish Warrier: They are doing upgrades this Sunday, so the system will be down. Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. staf115