Administrative Services Staff Meeting September 4, 2002 PRESENT: ____Rocky Bonura __x_Janet Clarke __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Maurice Elmore ____Janice Ely ____Pam Fees __x_Bob Gann __x_Vic Hanson __x_Alex Kelley __x_Donna Manno __x_David Miller ____Andy Nasatir ____Lynnda Nelson __x_Allene Quarles ____Marcy Wade __x_Satish Warrier Minutes: The minutes of August 27 were approved. Budget: Copies of CCLC State Budget Update #19 were shared with the group. It was noted that the State budget approved by legislature did not have a lot of changes from the May Revise, and it is now in the hands of the governor, who can still make changes. At this point, it doesn’t impact ECC’s budget as it has been built. Copies of the ECC Final Budget 2002-2003 were shared with the group. Noted: Due to incomplete funding by the state, ECC will only have a base of 17,702 credit FTES going into fiscal year 2002-03. Salary contracts are based on funded growth. Page 3 shows the loss of revenue for energy cost apportionment (account # 8610). ECC will need to start contributing to PERS again ($600,000). Medical premium costs are also increasing. There is no capital outlay. The college has continued to overspend in the 2310 accounts. The need for additional temporary employees for registration was questioned because the college has gone to mostly Web and phone registration (with only one or two days of walk-in registration). A significant amount of the reserves on page 6 are tied up in PFE unappropriated monies. Much of budget is balanced on PFE monies at this point. The CDC recently got approval form Board to increase fees, which should allow them to keep up with increased costs. Pages 42 and 43 from the budget book (Capital Outlay Projects Fund) were also shared with the group. Noted: The asterisked amounts total $1,793,075, (the total cost of all projects). Currently, the college is using interfund transfers of cash because it doesn’t have the money elsewhere. Cafeteria funds will stay the same for now. The WpLRC wants to get out of the food services program in the Cafeteria. They have been operating in the red since the beginning of their program, and they have not paid back the General Fund Unrestricted as they agreed. That is the reason it appears they still have funds. Vending machines are administered by the Bookstore, so the income is under that fund. Committee Reports/Division Issues Donna Manno: She was unhappy that they ran out of food for the Flex Day BBQ, especially the less expensive items like beans, salad and drinks. She distributed the training calendar electronically and is trying to minimize the number of paper copies sent out. She will be contacting people who wanted to provide some training in October. Classified employees will not be required to do a specific number of hours of professional development this year. The SD will track attendance at workshops or classes held on campus and will attempt to collect information about classes that employees attend off-campus Satish Warrier: There was a water leak under the computer room floor yesterday. A process for afterhours reporting of such problems is needed. The lines will be upgraded on the 16th, which should speed things up (at least briefly). Transportation to the Hawthorne and Inglewood sites is needed for employees on equipment repair trips. Maurice Elmore: Kudos to Maurice and his crew for getting the Natural Science portable classrooms up and ready for first day of school. They received the eight electric carts loaned from General Motors (two went to Campus Police). Alex Kelley: Thanks to Dave and his crew for their work on the MCS remodeling. David Miller: A temporary plumber has been hired. Mike D’Amico: In order to alleviate some of the usual start-of-the-semester parking problems, they are trying to accommodate students by temporarily letting them park illegally, etc. Also, campus police will be losing a dispatcher. Janet Clarke: A procedures matrix she prepared, showing proposed CCLC procedures and current ECC procedures, was shared with the group. At the bottom of each grouping are the ones for which there are no CCLC procedures. Decisions need to be made on whether to keep these, incorporate them into other procedures or delete them. College brochures and documents need to be kept up-to-date with current policy and procedure numbers, position titles, etc. Some method of keeping people informed of the new information is needed. Alex will work with Janet on this. Vic will involve Pat Caldwell and Nadine Hata also. Gifts to the Foundation (which then gives the items to the college) haven’t gone to the Board for over two years. The process is supposed to weed out gifts that the college doesn’t need or want or that cost the college too much money. Currently, no one seems to be checking on the appropriateness of gifts to the college. Vic will check with Pat Caldwell on this. Also, if equipment is received as a gift, it needs to be tagged. There are three notaries on campus, each with his/her own way of offering the service. The issue is whether or not they can offer services other than district business and whether they can charge for it. Bob Gann: Contested issues regarding the hydronic piping project were not able to be resolved, and the company has filed suit against the college. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. staf94