February 1, 2011

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
February 1, 2011
 Babs Atane
 Rocky Bonura
 Julie Bourlier
Tom Brown
Tom Connolly
Janice Ely
Bob Gann
Jo Ann Higdon
Bruce Hoerning
Reuben James
 Andy Nasatir
Rachelle Sasser
Fred Sturner
 Michael Trevis
John Wagstaff
 Satish Warrier
Minutes: Minutes from January 11th meeting was approved:
 Jo Ann:
 Administrative Services has 100% completion on the safety training.
 Review the cell phone handout on who are issued phones and if it is necessary for them to
have it.
 Second handout pertains to the classified contract portion of reimbursing employees for
having a district issue cell phone. Three individuals in the Fine Arts department and one in
Information Technology departmenent.
 Went on the night walk yesterday and an issue came up regarding the vending machine in
the Bookstore area. Check and see if the advertisement on vending machines can be
 Business Credit and Gas Card Policy :
 Auditors wanted to see specific limits.
 Revised the policy to add things that can and cannot be purchased.
 $5000 limit on equipment purchase. For emergency purposes only.
 Requestor for a new credit card needs to have their area Vice President’s approval.
o Administrative Services would like to add that the VP of Administrative Services
will have next level approval.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Mike:
 Planning a practice drill on emergency procedure. Doing a “What If” scenario and getting
all the individuals who would be involved in case there is a real emergency.
 Creating a Threat Assessment Team.
 Last week there was a burglary at the Construction Technology shed area and some things
were taken.
 POST has given us approval to start the academy in the Fall semester. Two individual
will be attending training session to comply.
 Last Friday there was a murder one block from the Compton Center.
 Last week at Compton a check issued to Kaiser for health benefits was routed to Blue
 Babs:
 Working on the current project.
 Final report on the previous project will be sent to Jo Ann by today.
 Janice:
 Fee payment deadline is February 7th.
 Rocky:
 New updated equipment list will be sent today.
 There are some items on the equipment list that have extraordinary situations, these are
being looked at and taken care of.
 Julie:
 Want to thank ITS at Compton and ECC on helping with the credit card compliance.
Needed to have PCI compliance on all credit card transactions, so that the credit card
number does not appear on anything.
 Processing Spring online orders.
 Andy is hiring student workers and getting them trained.
 Lockers are working thanks to Bruce. Installed a strip of magnet, so the lockers will stay
 Andy:
 Could have custom pictures put on the vending machines with the coke logo at the bottom.
Jo Ann would like sample pictures.
 Bob:
 Rotary meeting on campus in the Alondra Room tomorrow beginning at noon.
o They will get a tour of the Central Plant.
o There will be about 60 – 80 people coming.
o Facilities will work with Campus Police regarding the parking for this meeting.
 Information item – Since the campus is going to get various security systems installed with
highly technical equipment. There are no monies set aside to deal with repair or
maintenance of this equipment if it fails or breaks down.
o Could be a possible issue to discuss with the security committee.
o It was decided that Campus Police put cost for maintenance expense for these
equipment on their Plan Builder.
 Satish:
 Thanks to Ora and Tom for helping with the Library computer room.
 One hundred and fifty computers have been delivered to the Warehouse and today they will
all be moved to the library. Should have all the computers working by Spring semester.
 Computer for two computer labs (TA 251 & 252) in the Technical Arts area are done.
 Bruce:
 User group met on the MCS renovation project and have addressed all of John’s needs for
a secure ITS area.
 MBHS building 4th floor is in progress.
 Electrical conversion project will be getting underway.
o Will start pulling cables on the February 9th and the majority of the cables will be in
ground within a week and a half.
 Working on some problem areas found during last night walk through of the campus.
 From the equipment list - working on ten work stations with new configurations. Two in
the Student Services area.
 New carpet and seat tables for Art 103 and 106.
 Foundation office is getting some the furniture from the Purchasing office.
 Would appreciate if Campus Police would tags any lights that are out.
 Tom C:
 Wanted to thank Mike and Campus Police for helping an individual that came to the
Accounting office locate their family member.
 Screening candidates this week for the two accounting position and interview next week.
Trying to get it on the February board.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.