August 9, 2011

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
August 9, 2011
Babs Atane
Rocky Bonura
Julie Bourlier
Tom Brown
Tom Connolly
Janice Ely
Bob Gann
Jo Ann Higdon
 Bruce Hoerning
Reuben James
Andy Nasatir
Rachelle Sasser
Fred Sturner
 Michael Trevis
 John Wagstaff
Minutes: Minutes from August 2 were postponed.
 Jo Ann:
 Human Resources will be doing next months Management Forum. Topic of discussion will be
long term absences of employees and how to effectively deal with the issue.
 Mike did a great job on his presentation at the Management Forum.
 Going to Compton Board Meeting today to do the presentation on the LRC.
 Janice is checking on AB540 student sampling.
 Neither ECC nor Compton Center has reported accurate number on FTES.
 Auditors will be looking in detail on the prior year reported FTES.
 Bob – email the total cost for contract with PacWest and the balance monies remaining.
 Julie – email the policy on books.
 Bob – check with Ann on the announcement /email being sent out on the grand opening of the
Social Science building.
o Next time when there is a bid, ECC needs to do outreach with vendors.
 Tom C - check on the payroll clearing account at LACOE and see if it has been reconciled.
 Tom & Babs – understand position control – research which department is in charge of it,
what is working, what is not working, how flexible the system is and what parameters can be
 Babs – check on the inventory list that is going to the August board and find the acquisition
dates for the computers.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Julie:
 Getting ready for Fall semester
 Will not be ordering the special order Math book.
 Bob:
 Restroom Renovation (PacWest)– holding off on starting Phase II of the restroom
renovation because they have not come to an agreement on the contract which has yet to be
executed. Contract specifies that if PacWest does not meet the agreed schedule for
completion the contract will self terminate.
 Magnus Rex Batman Movie - Offer was tentatively accepted, but the final contract has not
been emailed. They would like to start on Monday. Dollar amount is $150,000 for rental
and 9:00 a.m. Sunday deadline, with a penalty of $10,000 for every 15 minutes they are late
in leaving on Sunday morning.
 Bid will go in September Board for the parking lot lighting and security cameras.
 Ready to Bid in September for the Logo on the Marsee Auditorium with installation in
 Furniture acquisition process will begin in September for the MBA building.
 Tom B:
 Social science grand opening is August 15 at 3:30.
 Renovated restrooms can be opened for the start of school.
 Mike:
 Two Sergeants from ECC and three from Compton Center will be attending a Supervisors
Training course on how to manage and control crowds at events. Presented by the
Sheriff’s Department at their training center.
 The following week, two officers from ECC and two from Compton Center will participate
in leaning how to manage and control large crowds at events. It will be held at the
Inglewood PD.
 John:
 To Julie – please talk with Debra at the Compton Bookstore to move the counter closer to
the bookshelf to resolve the computer cabling issue.
 Will email the list Don Treat has on the installation of computers.
 Jason La will come back tomorrow (email Jo Ann on this).
 Rocky
 One of the Buyers will be out, two to three weeks. Will discuss the three options he has in
mind with Jo Ann.
 Babs
 Specially funded equipment at Compton needs to be identified and tagged.
 VATEA funds are used to order equipment by ECC and delivered to Compton with no tag
numbers. Jo Ann - work with Virginia Rapp, she should know what equipment is going
where at Compton.
 Two cash registers at Compton Bookstore; both have ECC tags on them. Need to know
paid for these registers (according to Julie Compton paid for it) and is it on ECC inventory,
if so, it needs to be removed from ECC’s inventory.
 Inventory reconciliation is a repetition of what was done in 2008. Since the last
reconciliation there has been minimal equipment purchase at Compton.
 Bookstore has not responded to multiple requests for information. (Julie mentioned she is
in middle of closing her books and needs to finish that. Jo Ann mentioned that information
Babs needs is also pertaining to Bookstore books being closed and that both have to be
done concurrently).
Meeting adjourned at 10:50a.m.