Classroom Procedures

Mrs. Ragsdale's Classroom Expectations:
Jaguar PRIDE:
-Do you have your classroom binder with tabs clearly
labeled? Your paper? Your pencil? Your planner? Are you in
your seat when the bell rings, working on the bell
-Are you showing value to yourself, your classmates, and
Mrs. Ragsdale? Are you abiding by Moore Schools policies,
including, but not limited to, Safety Measures by wearing
IDs? Are you respecting yourself and others by your manner
of dress?
-Are you being honest? Are you doing your own
work/writing your own papers? Are you taking
responsibility for your own actions?
-Are you committed to making good choices? Are you
leading others to do the right thing?
-Are you giving YOUR BEST?
Mrs. Ragsdale's Classroom Expectations, page 2:
IDs—Your ID must be visibly worn around your neck at all times. It is not to be tucked in your shirt or stuffed in your pocket
or wallet. IDs are a safety issue and need to be worn—regardless of how you feel about the issue. IDs are $7 the first time
and $3 for each additional one, if broken (NO new picture will be made). Teachers wear IDs, too! 
Hall Passes—Emergencies only. Your time needs to be spent in the classroom working on our goal for the day. On the
extremely rare occasion you get permission to leave, you are not allowed in the halls without your school ID and planner.
Food—There is no food or drink allowed in this classroom – only water in regular “water bottles.”
Gum – Gum is allowed, but must be disposed of properly. I also sell gum for 25 cents – this goes toward our class account.
Phones/iPods—All phones and iPods are to be put up at all times unless you have permission from me in advance. I am
not a tyrant – let me know if there is an emergency/situation where you need your phone out. Consequences for disobeying
this procedure are as follows: 1st offense = will be “MiPhone” and returned after class; 2nd offense = discipline referral,
which goes on your record, and your parent will have to pick it up from the office (after an appointment with Mr. Hunt).
Work—All work will be asked for in a designated area or manner. Do not EVER simply lay work down in random
places...even on my desk. I rarely assign homework. In the event you have had ample time to finish in class, and you
don’t, then you will have homework. Occasional Projects and Tests will require work outside of the classroom.
WRAP: Write or Read All Period -- We will have designated days for in-class reading or writing for pleasure. This does
NOT include other school work – not a “study hall” time. This will usually take place on Fridays, as time allows, and after a
visit to our Media Center to check-in/check-out books. Books on electronic tablets and headphones are welcome!
Honor Code—If your name is on your paper, you are certifying that all work is done independently. You’ve had no input
from others in regards to ideas, answers, or actual work samples. If you are found cheating in any of the various ways, you
will receive a zero, and your sponsor or coach, if applicable, will be notified, as well as a parent.
Trash—There is a proper way of disposing of trash in the class. For one, you do not throw trash (or any other object)
across the room. You get up and walk to the trash can to dispose of it properly. You need to also wait until the appropriate
time to get up. For instance, do not get up out of your seat while I or someone else is talking. YOU are responsible to
“tidy” up your area. Custodians are here to “clean” – not pick up your mess!!!
Behavior Issues -- .In the event of behavior issues in the classroom, you will have to complete the Behavior Assignment
Essay, which must also be signed by your parent.
Teacher Space—Do not congregate around my desk or podium. My personal space and objects are off limits—always!
Dismissal—The bell does not dismiss you to your next class. I will let you know when you may leave...after I have finished
any last minute information. My room being “tidied up” will also have an impact on whether or not you leave in a timely
manner. Remain in your seats until dismissed (not crowding at the door!).
Classroom Rules—My only rule is that you be respectful at all times. That rule can fit every perimeter that you can think
of, so make sure you are on your best behavior. If you cannot be respectful the following steps will be taken:
1. Warning
2. Detention with Discipline assignment and Parent Contact
3. Referral to your principal, Ms. Decker
Questions or concerns, please contact me at: