Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs EL CAMINO COLLEGE

Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
SEPTEMBER 13, 2012
Present: J. Anaya, F. Arce, S. Dever, C. Fitzsimons, E. Geraghty, C. Gold, D. Goldberg, A. Grigsby,
D. Hayden, D. Horton, T. Kyle, T. Lew, G. Miranda, W. Morris, B. Mulrooney, R. Murray,
R. Natividad, J. Nishime, D. Patel, B. Perez, M. Ramey, V. Rapp, S. Rodriguez, R. Shabazz,
J. Shankweiler, D. Shrader, R. Smith, D. Vakil
Other Guests: J. Rosales, M. Winfree
A. CEC Update: B. Perez provided an update:
 Ricky Shabazz was introduced as the Dean, Student Services.
B. PBC Update: D. Patel provided an update:
 Rory Natividad is the new chair; Alice Grigsby – Management/Supervisors representative;
Irene Graff is the alternate Management/Supervisors representative.
 An overview of the Chancellor’s Office Statewide Budget Workshop and propositions.
 Reviewed final budget.
 Adjusted estimate ending balance for 2011-12 was just under $21 million.
 Five-year assumption budget – projected to be below 5% of reserve in five-year outlook.
 College sold bonds next series of bonds for $180 million and refinanced series B bonds of
$64 million.
 Re-negotiations of contract with CEC. The College will no longer charge the $500,000
starting next year.
 Discussed the post-retirement fund becoming irrevocable.
 PBC reviewed its statement of purpose and annual calendar and is conducting its annual
evaluation process.
C. Academic Senate Update: C. Gold reported that the Academic Senate:
-- The first meeting for fall 2012 was held on 9/11/12.
-- The only action item was a resolution regarding CSULB priority admission for particular
community colleges which would impact ECC transfer students. Discussion will be held at the
next meeting to determine if a second reading is necessary.
-- ASO will have more routine impact with Academic Senate this semester which will include
students in collegial consultation, policies, and procedures. The Senate will need to find students
to serve on this committee.
-- Working with F. Arce to prioritize procedures.
D. ASO Update: D. Horton provided an update:
 Fiscal planning budgeting.
 ASO cabinet and ICC participated in a retreat in August for team building and leadership.
ASO participated in Welcome Week. A concern was the MBA building not available
during the fall semester.
Club rush was held week of September 10. A club mixer will be held on September 14.
ASO had its first meeting last week. A vote was taken on a resolution to support the
District bond measure.
New ASO senators are getting started with activities. Two senators were elected for each
E. Announcements:
Margaret Ramey – Interim Director of Admissions & Records
Bill Mulrooney – Interim Dean of Enrollment Services
There will be a kickoff on the Bond issue on 9/17/12. For additional information, the ECC
Community News provides an explanation on Measure E.
A. No Show: Faculty will need to be reminded of the importance of completing the no show report
in a timely manner. Failure for accuracy can be a liability for the College, especially in Financial
Aid which can lead to an open investigation on Title IV. The completion rate is 89% for ECC
and 82% for CEC.
The divisions discussed the “no-show not completed” report:
Business: Division had a 100% participation rate. It took several email reminders to individual
faculty members. Adjunct faculty who responded appreciated the instructions. It was a timely
CEC: A few faculty members could not complete the no-show report on the system. A&R
attempted to resolve the issue but information would not register on the computer. B. Mulrooney
will look into the matter.
Industry & Technology: It was suggested to emphasize the importance on flex day during the
division meeting. Faculty may not know impact of not submitting the report in a timely manner.
Natural Sciences – did not show up on list of no shows.
Academic Senate – C. Gold indicated second 8 week session appears on the report. If those
courses are deleted since they are not considered delinquent yet, will it increase our rate of
Health Sciences & Athletics: Need to inform adjunct faculty that emails are not sent to private
servers; therefore, they must use ECC email address to obtain this type of information.
(Academic Senate will stress the importance of this concern to adjunct faculty.)
Fine Arts – D. Hayden reported 50% could be eliminated because a number of faculty on the
report are subs and new to the process. Would an auto-email be possible to generate to faculty
for follow up?
Dr. Arce: In the beginning of the second 8-week courses, need to remind faculty the importance
of submitting no show report.
B. Mulrooney will meet with H. Cooper, R. Shabazz, M. Ramey, and E. Nieto to discuss this
issue and strategies that can be used. S. Rodriguez and C. Fitzsimons will also attend as dean
A campus wide campaign may be needed every semester to remind faculty. There are
repercussions of not completing the report.
-- Inform faculty it affects students.
-- May affect the College at the state and federal level.
-- Apportionment is based on this report.
-- Students can be reinstated.
-- Need to think of different approaches to remind faculty.
B. Active Enrollment: The active enrollment report was due 9/10/12. Apportionment and 320
Report are critical and mandated in obtaining information from this report. Reporting is done on
the state and federal level.
The active enrollment report needs to be completed by the census date or students that drop will
receive a “W.”
Faculty may be able to back date on the system and students should be able to receive a refund.
B. Mulrooney will confirm with Will Warren and report back to Council members.
C. Self-Serve Data: J. Rosales provided a demo using the California Community College
Chancellor’s Office website to obtain information on program enrollment and performance data.
The report can be customized to the needs of a division. A useful tool is the program review data
tool which can be used for unit planning.
D. Repeatability Study: Repeatable Course Usage report for ECC and CEC was distributed. The
report included: (1) students starting repeatable courses. What are the chances of student
repeating? (2) enrollment perspective. What percentage of students were repeaters? Students
were tracked from 2007 to spring 2012.
 The accreditation self-study is beginning its process. On October 5, J. Shankweiler, M. Cheung,
H. Schumaker, D. Vakil, J. Nishime, and Dr. Fallo will attend accreditation training for those
colleges starting its self-study. Within the next two weeks, faculty and managers will be
identified to be co-chairs. An orientation will be held for those chairing standards and substandards. Students will be needed to serve on the committee.
 Faculty in the Photo Department organized a meeting for those interested in an event that will
occur in spring 2013. The theme will be earth, wind, air, and fire and focus on Earth Day and
Green Day initiative. Those that are interested may contact C. Fitzsimons.
 Transfer fair will be held on 9/27.
The next Council of Deans will meet on September 25 from 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Adm 131.