EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs NOTES – COUNCIL OF DEANS October 23, 2014 Present: J. Anaya, F. Arce, R. Bell, C. Fitzsimons, W. Garcia, E. Geraghty, I. Graff, A. Grigsby, D. Hayden, A. Hernandez, P. Humphreys, O. Hyacinth, S. Jones, B. Klier, T. Lew, G. Miranda, W. Morris, D. Patel, B. Perez, K. Ragan, J. Shankweiler, J. Sims, C. Striepe, R. Totorp, W. Warren I. INFORMATION A. Notes of 10/9/14: Distributed and reviewed. B. CEC Update: B. Perez provided an update: The Compton Unified School District approached CEC to establish an early college program to incentivize their students to stay in-district after high school. The plan is to have these high school students attend classes at either CEC or their school site. This is currently in the discussion phase. C. PBC Update: D. Patel provided an update: PBC discussed the highlights of the accreditation visit as well as timelines. The SSSP Budget Plan was disseminated. A video from the Chancellor’s office, Step: Forward, was shown. Key changes to the Student Success Initiative were discussed. The technology/instructional equipment priority list was discussed. It was requested that the list be formatted to include the plan and objective. The next PBC meeting will review any trends. D. ASO Update: S. Jones provided an update: The CCCSSA Conference highlighted networking and communication opportunities as well as safe zones for LGBT and immigrant students. ASO discussed the student threat that was recently made. The organization discussed the idea of having a workshop on buddy systems and the importance of speaking up when something happens. E. Academic Senate Update: C. Striepe provided an update: The Board meeting held on 10/20/14 was discussed at Academic Senate. o Community Advancement presented on the programs and startup businesses they have assisted. o An update on the Puente Program will be provided at next Board meeting. o BP/AP 4040 was voted on and approved. AP 3050 was discussed. F. Arce spoke on safety procedures. Mark Lipe (H.S.A.) reported that Allison Carr (Humanities) may possibly take his place as Curriculum Chair. The Faculty Development Committee reported that the nominations for the Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award have been submitted and they are currently being reviewed to select a winner. 1 Faculty Development will continue with flex follow-ups and will put it out as a series. I. Graff presented on external research conducted at ECC. II. DISCUSSION/ACTION A. Enrollment Management Plan: The Enrollment Management Plan is a requirement for ECC and CEC. Each year, specific sections are revised in order to achieve the FTES target. One of the recommendations from the accreditation team is that the Outreach Plan be specified in the Enrollment Management Plan. The plan is designed to steer the college in the right direction to achieve the funded FTES target. It helps raise awareness and develop specific action plans that might help to improve the college’s ability to achieve the 19,500 FTES target. The summer 2014 schedule increased enrollment. More sections were offered and the summer schedule grew by about 23%. I. Graff will coordinate analysis of the new summer session calendar to determine any changes in enrollment patterns from the previous calendar. There are two target groups, current students and graduating seniors. Recommendation to have more second session 8 week classes along with a more active and robust Friday/Saturday program. The online program must grow in a more cohesive and comprehensive manner. Currently, the majority of these classes are in Behavioral and Social Sciences and Humanities. There is concern that the college doesn’t offer enough services to attract the adult returning student. I. Graff will provide more data on these types of students in future enrollment planning. F. Arce is requesting each division inform him of programs offered at night where a student could complete a certificate or degree in a career tech area within one/two years. The college could attract more adult returning students by improving in this area. The Enrollment Management Plan should be more precise in terms of the metric that will be used to assess the plan. J. Anaya is working with adult schools to generate a plan to attract more adult learners and create a more inviting campus for them. Recommendation to include the following statement to the Student Retention and Enrollment Growth section of the EMP: “The college will develop tracking software for non-credit supervised tutoring labs.” Recommendation to include the following statement to the Course Scheduling section of the EMP: “Improve how online and weekend courses are scheduled and advertised to students.” Students that complete assessment, orientation and ed planning will be incentivized with a priority registration date. Once the language and metric for the EMP is finalized, F. Arce will report on the status of each activity in the plan. III. OTHER A. Announcements: 1. 10/24/14 is the deadline for faculty evaluations. If they are not submitted by this date, divisions will not get them back until November. 2