September 20, 2012

Planning & Budgeting Committee
Date: September 20, 2012
Michael DeSanto – Campus Police
Alice Grigsby – Mgmt./Supervisors
Dipte Patel – Academic Affairs
Margaret Quinones-Perez, – ECCFT
Dawn Reid – Student & Community Adv.
Cheryl Shenefield – Administrative Svcs.
Rory K. Natividad – Chair (non-voting)
Derrick Moon – ASO
Gary Turner – ECCE
Lance Widman – Academic Senate
OTHERS ATTENDING: Francisco Arce, Irene Graff, Ken Key, Jeanie Nishime, Margaret
Ramey, Michael Trevis, John Wagstaff
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m.
Approval of September 6, 2012 Minutes
1. Page 1, Statement of Purpose, Delete: 1. and Change: 2. to 1.
2. Page 2, 3. Delete third sentence beginning with: We believe…
3. Page 2, 4. Last sentence – Delete: agenized Add after this: on the agenda.
4. Page 2, 5. First sentence – Add after 3.7%: ending balance reserve for 2016/17.
An audio file will be available for anyone wanting an exact representation of the minutes. This will
be made available in the future on the portal.
PBC Evaluation – R. K. Natividad
1. The PBC Evaluation survey is currently on the system for any member who has currently
served on the committee for at least one year. It will be active through Tuesday, September
25. The results will then be sent back to the chair so the committee can analyze the results.
2. It was noted the Statement of Purpose listed on the PBC agenda now reflects the change as
agreed upon by the committee.
Accreditation Self-Study Report Follow-Up – J. Nishime
1. It was recommended that the committee focus on recommendation 1 – Program Review
Planning and Budgeting. The planning model was reviewed and discussed with the
committee. The vice presidents are still in the process of prioritizing the recommendations
that have come out of the 2012/13 plans. They will soon be forwarded to the PBC for their
2. The following suggestions were discussed and presented regarding clarifying the role of the
committee and the planning process:
a. Need to be able to validate and endorse the recommendations.
b. The committee’s role is more of a consultative role to ensure everything proposed
matches up to the stated mission and strategic initiatives.
c. The committee’s goal should be made clear (in writing) before anything is
brought to the table.
d. Division councils are diligently working and are going through the appropriate
planning processes.
A draft will be crafted and brought back to the committee regarding understanding the
committee’s responsibilities and goals. Important information from the current evaluation
will be looked at and included in the recommendation.
3. Recommendations for item 1 (page 5) of the accreditation self-study follow-up are being
taken through next week. It was suggested that responses could be made using note tracking
on word or by critiquing a hard copy for J. Nishime.
4. It was noted our follow-up report is due to the accrediting commission by October 15. This
report is following up on five of the recommendations from the 2008 visit.
5. The process in now beginning for our self-study for the 2014 visit. Teams are now in the
process of being formed. Training for the teams will begin on October 5 at San Bernardino
Valley College. When the teams return, orientation will then be held for the team leaders of
each of the standards. At this point volunteers will be needed to fill the teams. Everyone
was encouraged to participate in this process. Two areas that PBC are encouraged to serve
are on Standard 1 – Mission and Institution Effectiveness and Standard 3d – Fiscal
The meeting adjourned at 1:42 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for October 4, 2012 in Library