Planning & Budgeting Committee Minutes Date: September 6, 2012

Planning & Budgeting Committee
Date: September 6, 2012
Michael DeSanto – Campus Police
Alice Grigsby – Mgmt./Supervisors
Dipte Patel – Academic Affairs
Margaret Quinones-Perez, – ECCFT
Dawn Reid – Student & Community Adv.
Cheryl Shenefield – Administrative Svcs.
Rory K. Natividad – Chair (non-voting)
Derrick Moon – ASO
Gary Turner – ECCE
Lance Widman – Academic Senate
OTHERS ATTENDING: Linda Beam, Janice Ely, Irene Graff, Jo Ann Higdon, Ken Key, Jeanie
Nishime, Michael Trevis, John Wagstaff, Will Warren
Handouts: 2011 PBC Evaluation, Five-Year Budget Projection/Reserve
The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m.
Approval of August 30, 2012 Minutes
1. Page 2, Accreditation Self-Study Report, #2, After linking - Change: and to of.
Statement of Purpose – R. K. Natividad
1. The Statement of Purpose was developed January 27, 2010. Discussion ensued regarding
updates or changes to the current statement. It was asked what the difference was with the
terms steering versus consultation as it related to the statement definition. After a brief
discussion it was agreed that the word consultation would be a more accurate representation
for the Statement of Purpose. The committee was in agreement with the change in the
statement. It was announced that the statement would be reviewed again next year.
Annual PBC Evaluation – R. K. Natividad
1. A copy of the PBC evaluation questions from last year was distributed to the committee for
review. It was noted that the evaluation would only go to PBC committee members who
have served a minimum of one year which makes them eligible to participate in the survey.
The timespan the evaluation will cover will be from 2011-2012. The evaluation form will be
prepared with minor changes and then distributed in about a week or so.
Five-Year Budget/Reserve Document – R. K. Natividad
1. The budget document presented was the same document as discussed at last week’s meeting.
The document projects that in the future (2016/17) the ending-year balance will be down to
3.7%. This balance will not only be an unacceptable amount to us but also to the
Chancellor’s office and the accrediting committee. So far no recommendations or comments
have been received.
2. One of the committee members recommended staying close to the FON (full-time faculty
obligation number). It was asked and clarified that the ACCJC (Accrediting Commission for
Community and Junior Colleges) makes this determination for the need of a five year budget
projection. The concept that the committee needs to understand is this document gives the
committee an overview of what will happen if we continue with certain patterns without
making further adjustments.
3. It was observed that the increased expenditures are coming from staff benefits where we
don’t have any control. STRS has been held steady and we are starting to see legislation
requiring that the contributions be 50/50 between the employer and the employee. STRS can
only be adjusted by the legislature. PERS can be adjusted by a board. PERS tends to stay a
little more true to form where as if the legislature changes STRS, they couldn’t afford it. The
state is paying a small percent of STRS on behalf of all of the colleges (between 1-2%). The
budget presented does not include any STRS increases at all.
4. It was suggested that the budget assumptions is a document the committee needs to look at
every year and refresh. The percentage used to calculate the health insurance costs was 7%.
The committee was encouraged to send other ideas forward. This document is included in
the follow-up report to accreditation (recommendation number 6). We need to get this on the
agenda for next spring for phase 1.
5. Concern was expressed that if the accreditation committee sees the 3.7% ending balance
reserve for 2016/17 they will want to know what the college is going to do about it. It was
noted that the follow-up visit for accreditation will only consist of two people who are
familiar and knowledgeable about these projections.
The meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for September 20, 2012 in
Library 202.