
Unit One (8000 BCE to 600 BCE)
Unit Five (1750 to 1900)
- Olmecs (c. 1500 BCE)
- American Revolution 1776-1783
o Gulf of Mexico; major cities of San
o Declaration of Independence:
Lorenzo and La Venta
Enlightenment ideals of equality and
o Masks and figures out of jade
natural rights
o Social status indicated by elaborate o U.S. Constitution 1789
ness of dress and decoration
- Haitian Revolution: slave revolt
o Colossal Heads
- Latin American Wars for Independence
o San Martin and Bolivar
- Andean Heartland
o Cultivation of beans, peanuts, sweet
- Industrialization
potatoes c. 2500 BCE
- Spanish-American War 1898
o Chavin religious cult (c. 1000 BCE)
o US becomes world power w/ acquisition
of Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines
Unit Two (600 BCE to 600 CE)
- Maya (c. 300 to 900)
Unit Six (1900 to present)
- Mexican Revolution (1910-1917)
o 1910 Civil War led by mestizos wanting
Unit Three (600 to 1450)
- Maya (c. 300 to 900)
to break Creole control
o Yucatan in SE Mexico
o Carranza president in 1916
o Agricultural economy, temples and
o Constitution of 1917: land reform,
pyramids, ritualistic polytheism,
restrictions on foreign control, workers
independent city-states linked by trade
- Aztec (c.1400 to 1521)
o Militant warriors, rule by severe
o US remains neutral until unrestricted
despots, priestly class w/ ritualistic
German U-boat war
human sacrifice, cacao beans as
o Woodrow Wilson and Fourteen Points
currency, decentralized network of cityo Treaty of Versailles and League of
states that pay tribute
- Inca (c. 1400 to 1540)
- 19th Amendment: Women vote!
o South American Andes mountains
- Great Depression and Stock Market crash of
o Centralized empire w/ capital at Cuzco,
irrigated agricultural economy,
polytheistic w/ worship of sun,
o Pearl Harbor
patriarchal w/ few women’s rights,
o Use of atomic bomb on Japan
ancestors worshipped, no written
o United Nations formed
o US emerges a world power
- Cold War (1945-1989)
o Ideologies at war: communism v.
Unit Four (1450 to 1750)
- Columbian Exchange: diffusion of food crops
and animals
o Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and
Spanish Empire
- Treaty of Tordesillas 1494
o Arms race, space race
- Hernan Cortes 1519: conquered Tenochtitlan
o Korean War (1950-1953)
and Aztecs led by Montezuma
o Vietnam War (1965-1975)
- Francisco Pizarro 1531: defeats Incas w/
- Cuba: Castro comes to power in 1959
disease & superior weapons
o Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis
- North American Free Trade Agreement
- Encomienda System
- Social structure based on race: peninsulares,
creoles, mestizos, mulattoes, natives
- Sept. 11, 2001 and War in the Gulf
- Plantation system reliant of African slaves
- “McDonaldization”
- Missionaries spread Christianity
Portuguese in Brazil
British and French in North America
Social, cultural, economic, and political patterns in the Amerindian world
Cultural Religious
agricultural trade
mathematics astronomy
craftwork in jade
medicine pyramids
hieroglyphic writing
Gender Roles
mercenaries war
provided slaves
human sacrifice capital
- Tenochtitlan
agricultural inherited
array of domesticated
plants and animals, e.g.
potatoes, quinoa, guinea
pigs trade tribute roads
quipu for record
keeping textiles
important for religious
Political Structure;
Reason for Collapse
city-states diverse
explanations for causes:
environmental: overuse
of resources; warfare
emperor rigid class
system tributary states
lack of immunity to
AfroEurasian diseases
like smallpox tributary
states allied with
dynastic emperor rigid
class system lack of
immunity to Afro
Eurasian diseases like
smallpox tributary
states allied with