
Work for “Over the Break”!
READ – chapter 12 and complete the questions attached
Complete the Ibn Battuta assignment
Complete the change and continuity assignment
Check out the attached mid-term review study guide, make sure you know it all!
Go to the website and start answering the practice test questions
Celebrate and be Merry.
Here are the chapter 12 review questions:
1) What are trade diasporas?
2) True or False. China reconstructs and extends the Grand Canal in 1400 C.E.
2.5)When did paper making spread to Europe from China through Muslim soldiers?
3) What were some of the major trading communities of the eastern Mediterranean?
4) What was the central attraction of trade in the fourteenth century?
5) What kingdom dominated trade in the Red Sea in the fourth century?
6) Which region held the most prominent Jewish community in the world around the eighth and ninth century?
7) What generated after the Incas merged their empire in the early fifteenth century?
7.5).How did the Incans keep track of their trade and transactions?
8) What were some of the items the pochteca exchanged from Gulf coast?
11) What did the American Indians use to carry goods across trade routes?
3.What part of South American trade flourish in?
4.What were the guild of long distance traders in the Aztec society called?
5.The domestication of what animal opened the way for Sub Saharan trading?
6.How did Muslim Trade influence Africa?
9). Discuss the role of slaves in these societies.
10) What role did Great Zimbabwe play in African trade?
7.Why was it so difficult to trade along the North South Axis of Africa (from the Sahara to the Kalahari desert)?
8.What insect kept camels and other large pack animals from crossing the dense jungle into South Africa?
9. Who controlled the Silk Road during the eighth and ninth century?
10. Who was the predominate trader on the Silk Road?
11. These people were among the greatest sailors in pre-modern times. Their boats were 100 to 150 ft long, wooden,
and held together with cords. Throughout their travels they reached destinations such as Hawaii, New Zealand, and
the Easter Islands. Who were they?
12. Asia had established a complex trade network as early as ____.
a)1250 b)1300’s c)1430 d)1020
AP World History Midterm Exam Study Guide
8000 BCE to 600 CE
Hunting, Gathering, and Controlling Nature
Neolithic Era (Agricultural Revolution) 8000 to 3000 BCE
farming and herding, subsistence living, agricultural surplus, specialization of labor, new introduction of
farming tools (bronze), agricultural husbandry, tundra, alluvial plains, swampland, irrigation systems, changing
role of women from hunter/gatherer society to agricultural society
Ancient River Valleys
Mesopotamia (location on a map)
Egypt (location on a map)
hieroglyphics, purpose of writing and having scribes, importance of Nile River and flooding
polytheistic beliefs, ziggurats, Code of Hammurabi, Epic of Gilgamesh, Sumer Civilization, cuneiform,
purpose of writing and having scribes, , treatment towards women
The Vedas and the importance of these writings, birth of the caste system and the role the Aryans played in it,
types of castes – Brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas, shudras, untouchables
Early Society and East Asia
Yellow River Valley (Shang Dynasty 1600 BCE to 1100 BCE and the Zhou 1100 BCE to 256 BCE),
importance of bronze metallurgy for the Shang
patriarchal system, Zhou mandate of heaven, oracle bones, worship of ancestors, centralization of the Zhou
dynasty, reasons for Zhou demise, inability to monopolize iron metallurgy, definition of the Period of
Warring States (403 to 221 BCE)
Shang social order – what merchants did, role of peasants, characteristics of their patriarchal society,
importance of oracle bones
Bantu Civilization
major components of migration, languages, agricultural lifestyle, religious practices, engagement in trade with
Muslims, be familiar with the map of their movements, use of farm tools, metallurgy
Classical Civilizations
the Mediterranean as a highway of cultural exchange, city-states, crops grown, economic livelihood, Aristotle,
domination by Alexander the Great
Sub-Saharan African Civilizations and Northern Africa
Islamic influence on its people, the Great Zimbabwe, Swahili people and their trade along the Indian Ocean,
Trans Saharan Slave Trade and Atlantic Slave Trade (differences among them, time periods, etc.)
why Islam spread so widely in north Africa
goods wanted from western African kingdoms (Ghana, etc.)
Asoka and belief systems (200 BCE), how Aryans introduced the caste system, Gupta belief systems and their
Importance of trade in the Indian Ocean
Rome/Byzantine Empires
birth of Christianity, Constantine, Diocletian, Constantinople, Hagia Sofia, when it collapses, Justinian and his
contributions to legal code and unifying Christianity among his peoples
Persian Empire
advances made in technology, transportation, and trade, relationship with Greece, importance of Persepolis,
Zoroastrianism definition
Unification of China and its Dynasties
Qin – Legalism, public works
major accomplishments during its time
reasons for its stability from 200 BCE to 200 CE, reasons for faltering, belief systems practiced during this
Han use of silk textiles and paper
Tang - feelings toward Buddhism, reasons for decline (618 to 907 CE)
transportation and communications, distribution land according to equal field system (governed agricultural
land, ensure equal distribution of land to elites plus individual and families according to land fertility), Grand
Canal principal route for long distance trade within China, roads, horses, postal stations, stables
had rising population and surge in agricultural production
Confucian education,
Mid 700s was rebellion, rebellious forces within China, invited the Uighurs to bring army in China
Daoism characteristics
Legalism characteristics
Song - Neo Confucianism, contributions to culture
power in the late 960 to 1279 (southeast China)
civil administration, industry, education, and arts rather than just military affairs but this weakened
the empire and invasions occurred
centralized imperial government but devoured the Song treasury and surplus production
surge in agricultural production
rebirth of truly worshipping ancestors
very strong resurgence of patriarchal authority
foot binding begins for upper class families, not lower class women who needed to farm
1100s printing, block printing, produce texts cheaply
600 CE to 1450
Asia and Middle Eastern Empires
Islamic Empire
Muhammad and the 5 pillars, Ibn Battuta, important and significance of Mecca, extent of Islamic spread,
significance of the Koran and its meanings, ways in which Islam differed and was the same throughout the
empire, creation of Swahili languages
Sunni, Shia differences and conflicts
Map of Islamic Empire, dar al Islam,
African Empires
Mongol Empire
Genghis Khan contributions, Kublai Khan contributions, reasons for Mongol decline and rise of Ottoman
Empire, characteristics of military and steppe life
Belief Systems and Religions
Siddhartha, Noble Truths, Eight Fold Path, Nirvana, Zen, the Silk Road's role in spreading these beliefs,
component of neo-Confucianism starting in 1100, Lotus Sutra
Jesus' original teaching, Catholic dogma, Christian humanism (aka northern humanism), treatment of
Christians prior to Constantine
Confucianism (including Neo)
major books, relationship to government and politics
Daoism (Laozi)- the way, link to Neo Confucianism
historical/biblical figures, Abraham, covenant, roles and expectations of women
5 Pillars, Mecca, Muhammad, Sunni and Shi'a, Dome of the Rock, areas where it spreads, the Silk Road's role
in spreading these beliefs
Rig Vedas, caste system
definition, beliefs, treatment towards people based on this system and how Confucianism is different, when it
is practiced
location, beliefs