Pg 3: Practical Notes

Setting up YOUR notebook
• FRONT Cover – (with sharpie or make an insert)
– Name (first & last)
– Period ??
– Mrs. Young 3017
Inside set-up:
• Page 1: Title the page your name
• Pg 2: Syllabus (tape/glue/staple this in or hole punch) Write a
TWO on the top to number the page
• Pg 3: Practical Notes
– Later in this powerpoint you’ll take notes
• Pg 4: Geography
– Use online maps or atlas to test your knowledge….. You need to know
where ALL these countries are 
Use these pictures as a guide…
Pg 3
Practical Notes
• Three important skills to
master to understand History.
• Take notes on the following
slides so that you understand
skills such as reading/writing
Roman Numerals, Timeline,
and Centuries
I. Roman Numerals
II = 2
X = 10
III = 3
_________ VALUE __________
XX = 20
IV = 4
+ add
IX = 9
VI = 6
XI = 11
L = 50
VII = 7
C = 100
VIII = 8
XVI= 16
D = 500
IX = 9
CM= 900
M = 1,000
X = 10
XV = 25
DX= 510
II. Timelines
Like a timeline in math, negative numbers get “bigger” as they move left of
and bigger as they move right, but are a mirror of one another.
“Negative” on a historical timeline is represented by BC or BCE after the
number and the “positive” side has AD or CE after the number
2014 BC
800 BCE
B.C. = Before Christ
800 CE
A.D = anno domini (Latin meaning year of our Lord)
BCE = Before the Common Era
2014 AD
C.E.= common era
BC and BCE explain the SAME time period, as does AD and CE. So what’s the difference?
BC & AD represent the Christian calendar and thus are religious
BCE & CE are secular or non-religious ways to refer to world events.
III. Century vs year
• If you lived in year 1-100CE you lived in
the 1st century. But if you were born in
year 104 you are already in the 2nd century
and so on and so forth.
• So if you are born in 1999 you were born
in the 20th century and if born in 2000 you
were born in the 21st century.
Century vs Year
So if something happened in the 17th century, then we are talking about events
in the years 1600s.
If something happened in 1450 it’s the 15th century
850 is the 9th century. 12th century is the 1100s
Pg 4
You need to know where the following 46 countries/regions are located on a map.
- China
-South Africa
-Middle East
-Latin America
-Baltic States
-Saudi Arabia