MANAGE SOCIAL SERVICES Contract for service provision from other providers

7978 version 4
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Contract for service provision from
other providers
planned review date:
June 2006
Social Services
People credited with this unit standard are able to: negotiate
with service providers for provision of services; negotiate the
contract for service provision; monitor and evaluate the
contract for service provision; and manage termination of the
contract for social services provision.
This unit standard is a specialist unit standard for people in
the social services who are responsible for negotiating for
and purchasing services under contract.
entry information:
accreditation option:
Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA, industry and
teaching professional in the same field from another
moderation option:
A centrally established and directed national moderation
system has been set up by Community Support Services ITO
Limited (Careerforce).
special notes:
People awarded credit in this unit standard are able to
implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the social services
according to the authority and resources available to
them, and are able to demonstrate application of this
competence to the context of assessment for this unit
standard (for further clarification, please refer to Unit
7928, Implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the social
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016
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Contract for service provision from
other providers
Contract means "a mutually negotiated agreement
under which one organisation undertakes to fund
defined welfare activities, and the other organisation (or
individual) undertakes to provide them according to
specified terms and conditions".
Source: Department of Social Welfare.
Contracting for Social Services: Principles and
Guidelines. Wellington: Department of Social Welfare:
p 5.
"A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between
[two or more parties]. It is an exchange of promises by
each party to do something of value for the other.
A contract must involve:
Offer and acceptance;
Intention to create a legal relationship;
Certainty as to the terms of the agreement;
Capacity to contract."
Acknowledgements to: New Zealand Community
Funding Agency. 1995. Contracting: Information for
community-based social and welfare service providers
on contracting with the New Zealand Community
Funding Agency. Wellington: New Zealand Community
Funding Agency: p 7.
Cost and funding of the service may include
administration, education and training, equipment,
furnishing, salaries and expenses of paid and unpaid
personnel, publicity, quality systems, running costs, and
adequacy of funding for pay and conditions for
Non-monetary resources may include education and
training, legal services, premises, managerial or
professional supervision, monitoring and evaluation
services, personnel.
Service provider standards include but are not limited
to: service provider strategic plans, kaupapa, governing
legislation, staff manuals, kawa, or tikanga.
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Contract for service provision from
other providers
Service users is used as a generic term to denote
people from user groups of the social services, who
may be individuals, couples, families or whānau. They
may be referred to by various descriptive terms in the
range of social services settings.
Terms and conditions that are essential to the contract
may include measurable social service objectives,
rights and responsibilities of all parties to the contract,
minimum standards for provision of social services,
monitoring and evaluation of the service delivery, cost
and funding of the services, payment for services,
including progress payments, provision of nonmonetary resources by either party to the contract,
employment practices in salary related agreements,
sub-contracting, use of capital resources during
performance and termination of the contract.
All communications are treated confidentially. The
scope and limits of confidentiality are defined through
negotiation and informed consent, and criteria
established by legislation, ethical practice, and service
provider guidelines. In the context of this unit standard,
sources of criteria established by legislation, ethical
practice, and service provider guidelines include but are
not limited to: Official Information Act 1982, Privacy Act
1993, service provider codes of conduct, codes of
practice issued by the Privacy Commissioner, social
service codes of ethics, and service provider guidelines,
protocols, staff manuals, strategic plans, kawa, or
People awarded credit in this unit standard show that
their actions are guided and supported by valid theory
for social service practice. Evidence is required of
social service theory that is derived from authoritative
sources, which may include but are not limited to: body
of knowledge related to social service work; cultural
theory; practice research.
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Contract for service provision from
other providers
Elements and Performance Criteria
element 1
Negotiate with service providers for provision of services.
performance criteria
Services negotiated match identified service needs.
Negotiations are conducted on all issues that are essential to the conclusion of
a contract for service provision.
The term or length of time of the contract is negotiated according to relevant
issues that are essential to the conclusion of a contract for service
provision may include but are not limited to - Te Tiriti o Waitangi
issues, identified service needs, measurable service objectives,
rights and responsibilities of all parties to the contract, minimum
standards for service, monitoring and evaluation of the service
delivery, cost and funding of the service, payment for services,
provision of non-monetary resources by either party to the
contract, term or length of time of the contract.
relevant criteria may include but are not limited to - the period of
time for which funding can be guaranteed, the period of time for
which the service provider can guarantee provision of services,
the nature of the service as developmental or ongoing, estimated
time for completion of delivery of service.
Negotiations are conducted according to service provider standards.
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Contract for service provision from
other providers
element 2
Negotiate the contract for service provision.
performance criteria
All parties to the contract are identified according to their legal status, capacity
to contract, and authority to sign on behalf of their party and commit their party
to the contract.
The contract records agreement on all terms and conditions that are essential to
the contract to provide social services.
terms and conditions that are essential to the contract to provide
social services may include but are not limited to - measurable
social service objectives, rights and responsibilities of all parties to
the contract, minimum standards for provision of social services,
monitoring and evaluation of the service delivery, cost and funding
of the services, payment for services, provision of non-monetary
resources by either party to the contract, employment practices in
salary related agreements, sub-contracting, use of capital
resources during performance and termination of the contract.
The contract records agreement on commencement, termination, and review
dates for the provision of services.
The contract records agreement on procedures for managing performance of
the contract.
procedures for managing performance of the contract may include
but are not limited to - time frames and procedures for evaluation
and monitoring of the contract; the nature and accessibility of
records to be kept for monitoring and evaluation; liaison and
contact people; progress payments; time frames; procedures for
dealing with difficulties in implementation, breach of contract,
renewing the contract, and terminating the contract.
The contract is negotiated according to service provider standards.
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Contract for service provision from
other providers
element 3
Monitor and evaluate the contract for service provision.
performance criteria
The contract is monitored and evaluated according to the terms of the contract.
Contract evaluation includes evaluation of the contracted service provider's
response to service users.
responses may include but are not limited to - welcome, respect,
affirmation, support of service users; attention to physical comfort,
safety, and privacy of service users; response to social service
needs of service users; response to characteristics of service
users; use of language in verbal and written communications with
service users.
The contracted service provider is evaluated in terms of their service
accessibility and availability.
Any difficulty in implementation or any breach of contract is managed according
to the terms and conditions of the contract and agreed procedures for managing
performance of the contract.
The contract is monitored according to service provider standards.
element 4
Manage termination of the contract for social services provision.
performance criteria
Termination of the contract is managed according to the terms and conditions of
the contract and the agreed procedures for managing performance of the
Any proposals for renewal of the contract are managed according to the terms
and conditions of the contract and the agreed procedures for managing
performance of the contract.
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Contract for service provision from
other providers
Comments to:
PO Box 2637
Wellington 6140
Please Note:
Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority
before they can offer programmes of education and training
assessed against unit standards.
Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must
engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit
standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0222]
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016