7938 version 4 28-Jun-16 1 of 5 PROVIDE SOCIAL SERVICES Provide social service advice to individuals, groups, and communities level: 6 credit: 6 planned review date: June 2006 sub-field: Social Services purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to: identify the service user's concern, issue, or need for advice; present information to the service user on the concern, issue, or need for advice; and provide advice or recommendations for action to the service user. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA, industry and teaching professional in the same field from another provider. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce). special notes: 1 People awarded credit in this unit standard are able to implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the social services according to the authority and resources available to them, and are able to demonstrate application of this competence to the context of assessment for this unit standard (for further clarification, please refer to Unit 7928, Implement Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the social services). New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7938 version 4 28-Jun-16 2 of 5 PROVIDE SOCIAL SERVICES Provide social service advice to individuals, groups, and communities 2 Glossary Identified concerns, issues, or needs may include but are not limited to: alternative care, community issues, consumer rights, criminal justice, disabilities, economic development, employment, environmental issues, families and whānau, health care, housing and land, human rights, iwi development, legal issues, planning, poverty, psychiatric care, safety, sexuality, social policy and services, alcohol and drug issues. Identified concerns, issues, or needs may be cultural, economic, educational, emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual, social, or political, or related to age or gender. People awarded credit for this unit standard demonstrate competence in three contexts, with any combination of the above factors. Information may be oral or written. Sources of information may include: service provider or personal data bases, manuals, pamphlets and records; information from other agencies and organisations and social service networks; professional journals, text books, and reference works; legislation. Those who seek social services advice are referred to as service users. They may be individuals, groups, families or whānau, hapū, iwi, or other kin group; a community of interest, a community of locality, or a cultural community. Service user includes those who require the advice themselves and those who are directly or indirectly involved with a service user. The service user's characteristics and needs may include but are not limited to: their age and stage of development, culture, disability, gender, health status, language, sexual orientation; and needs for physical comfort, safety, and privacy. People awarded credit for this unit standard demonstrate competence in three contexts, with any combination of the above factors. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7938 version 4 28-Jun-16 3 of 5 PROVIDE SOCIAL SERVICES Provide social service advice to individuals, groups, and communities 3 All communications are treated confidentially. The scope and limits of confidentiality are defined through negotiation and informed consent, and criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and service provider guidelines. In the context of this unit standard, sources of criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and service provider guidelines include but are not limited to: Official Information Act 1982, Privacy Act 1993, service provider codes of conduct, codes of practice issued by the Privacy Commissioner, social service codes of ethics, and service provider guidelines, protocols, staff manuals, strategic plans, kawa, or tikanga. 4 People awarded credit in this unit standard show that their actions are guided and supported by valid theory for social service practice. Evidence is required of social service theory that is derived from authoritative sources, which may include but are not limited to: body of knowledge related to social service work; cultural theory; practice research. Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Identify the service user's concern, issue, or need for advice. performance criteria 1.1 Interpersonal skills are used which respond to verbal and non-verbal communications and identify the concern, issue, or need for advice. Range: 1.2 interpersonal skills - attending, clarifying, encouraging, following, listening, questioning, paraphrasing, reflection of feeling and content, summarising. The concern, issue, or need for advice is identified according to confirmation with the service user. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7938 version 4 28-Jun-16 4 of 5 PROVIDE SOCIAL SERVICES Provide social service advice to individuals, groups, and communities element 2 Present information to the service user on the concern, issue, or need for advice. performance criteria 2.1 Information is accessed from sources that are current and valid. 2.2 Information presented to the service user is relevant to the concern, issue, or need for advice according to confirmation with the service user. 2.3 Information is presented within criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and service provider guidelines. 2.4 The method of presentation of information matches the service user's characteristics and needs. element 3 Provide advice or recommendations for action to the service user. Range: evidence is required of advice or recommendations for action. performance criteria 3.1 Advice or recommendations for action is/are provided within the social service worker's role, function, and expertise within the service provider setting. 3.2 Advice or recommendations for action is/are given in terms of analysis of the information presented to the service user and acknowledge personal, cultural, and political factors in the situation. 3.3 Advice or recommendations for action is/are provided within criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and service provider guidelines. 3.4 The method of presentation of advice or recommendations for action matches the characteristics and needs of the service user. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7938 version 4 28-Jun-16 5 of 5 PROVIDE SOCIAL SERVICES Provide social service advice to individuals, groups, and communities Comments to: Careerforce PO Box 2637 Wellington 6140 Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards. Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0222] New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016