Art 250 

Art 250 SYLLABUS (Part I)
Fall 2K14
COURSE DESCRIPTION AND GOAL: The foundation for the creation of photographic art
is laid in this course. Both intellectual and practical assignments introduce all aspects of the
picture taking process, from idea to finished print, developing a foundation in the theories,
skills, and technologies of the discipline. Specifically, if students apply themselves they can
expect the following outcomes. They will understand and apply the elements and principles
of design as they relate to photography’s ability to impose a frame upon the threedimensional world and translate it into two dimensions; acquire and apply beginning
photography knowledge and skills by using analog photographic equipment and processes;
acquire knowledge of the history of photography and contemporary photography by looking
at other artists’ photographs; analyze photographs, both verbally and written, through
critique and self-reflection; and approach image making from a conceptual perspective by
using the camera’s frame to create content.
Black and White Photography, A Basic Manual, (3rd Edition Revised),
Henry Horenstein, Little, Brown and Company.
READING SCHEDULE: Please note that the deadlines for the textual readings
below occur very early in the semester. Other reading from handouts will be due
periodically throughout the semester. Deadlines for these additional readings will
be established at the time the handouts are made available.
28 Aug.
Horenstein: Developing & Evaluation, 129-160.
2 Sept.
Horenstein: Printing, 161-208.
4 Sept.
Horenstein: Exposure, 69-98.
(Reading Cut Off, 1st Exam)
Horenstein: Overview & Camera Body, 3-67.
30 Sept.
Horenstein: Print Finishing, 229-246.
21 Oct.
Horenstein: Filters, 101-108.
ASSIGNMENTS: Four graded assignments (worth twenty points each) will be
given during the semester and will emphasize technical and aesthetic aspects of
photography. Each assignment will be submitted with proof sheets and a
subjective, one-page, written component. Assignments will be shot on blackand-white film. Film will be processed using Marathon Developer. Prints will be
made on RC (Resin Coated) based glossy paper. Fiber based papers are not
recommended. Normally all prints will be produced on 8” x 10” paper,
permanently dry mounted on plain white or black 11” x 14” mat board and
submitted with a contact print of the entire roll. Completed assignments are due
at the beginning of the class period.
TESTS: There will be two objective exams designed to test student retention of
the reading, lecture and supplemental materials. Successive exams will not be
7 Oct.
Assignment One
9 Oct.
First Exam
30 Oct.
Assignment Two
18 Nov.
Assignment Three
25 Nov.
Second Exam
4 Dec.
Assignment Four
9 Dec.
Extra Credit Exam
11 Dec.
Final Meeting (3:00 – 5:00 pm)
NOTE: Students with disabilities must register with the Center on Disabilities and complete a
services agreement each semester. Staff within the Center will verify the existence of a disability
based on the documentation provided and will approve accommodations. Students who are
approved for test taking accommodations must provide a proctor form to their faculty member
signed by a counselor in the Center on Disabilities prior to making testing arrangements. The
Center on Disabilities can be reached at (818) 677-2684.
35mm camera with manual controls.
35mm Arista or Plus X, black and white, 100 ASA negative film and
negative sleeves (no T-max, please).
Canned air, cloth hand towel, contrast filters, and thermometer.
8”x10” variable contrast black and white resin-coated (RC) photographic
NOTE: The Photography Option sells black and white mat board, dry mount tissue, and negative pages for
your convenience. All purchases support the Edwin Sievers Scholarship Fund which awards a grant to a
worthy photo student in the spring of each year. Also, those interested in joining the Photo Club please contact
Professor Lesley Krane, Option Head of Photography.
PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIERS: (Ask for Student Discounts)
5124 West Sunset Boulevard
Hollywood (323) 660-3460 (818) 772-0580
Samy’s Camera
431 & 483 South Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles (323) 938-2420
NOTE: Student photo projects must be retrieved prior to the start of the next semester. The Art Department
will not be held accountable for storage or safe keeping of student work left from previous semesters.
OFFICE HOURS: 1 pm, Mondays, Photo Lab,
OFFICE PHONE: 818-677-3059,
NOTE: This course complies with the Art Department program goals regarding basic skills, Art knowledge and
critical thinking.