6412 Multimedia and Webpage Design 2.02 Develop computer animations Commercial Ad Directions: Create an animated commercial using Alice Programming. Remember to include the following in your commercial: 1. Create a product of your own 2. Use a storyboard to layout your commercial. 3. Include at least 2 objects. 4. Make at least one billboard included in your commercial. 5. Import at least one sound clip. 6. Change between at least 2 camera views. 7. Must be at least one minute long. 8. Test program to see if it works. 9. You have 3 class periods to complete project Break down your scenario into a sequence of major scenes with transitions between scenes. Use arrows and comments to make your storyboard understandable for anyone viewing your storyboard. Rubric: Product creation Storyboard Concepts learned: Must show proof ofanimation, drag and drop, methods used, Import sound clip , and changed camera views, insert billboard Followed directions for commercial Met due date Total 5 points 10 points 60 points (10 points for each concept) 15 points 10 points 100 points