Performance Task #3: Mind Map Directions: Create a Mind Map from the lesson you learned about personal safety protocol during sports activity. You will be graded according to the given rubric. Use the space provided or you may use extra sheet of paper. Example: SCORING RUBRIC CRITERIA 5 4 3 Mind Map included all required elements as well as a few additional elements. Mind Map included all required elements and one additional element. Mind Map included all required elements. One or more required elements were missing from the storyboard. Mind Map included all required elements and one additional element. Mind Map included all required elements. One or more required elements were missing from the storyboard. FORMAT Mind map follows the branch or hook format. Mind map partially follows the branch or hook format. Mind map follows another format, such as bubbles, circles, boxes, lines, etc. CONTENT The mind map includes the major points of the material. The mind map misses some major points of the material. The mind map misses most major points of the material. ELEMENTS 2 SCORE Mind Map included all required elements and one additional element. Mind Map included all required elements. One or more required elements were missing from the storyboard. Mind map does not consistently follow any format or is chaotic and difficult to understand. The mind map presents no major points. TOTAL