Composition 1 Portfolio Presentation By: Trevar Hansen December 2000 Introduction I came into this class as an inexperienced writer. In high school we didn’t do much writing so I didn’t learn much. This year has been a learning process. I have learned a variety of things from using different words to describe something to writing more enticing introductions. Changes/Skills Demonstrated Use the language from the common course syllabus to identify some of the material to cover Use the language from the Ability/Skill/Levels document—this is what the portfolio should demonstrate. My Skills Learned I have learned to write an effective summary. I know how to cite sources correctly in my writing I have learned four ways to organize essays. I know the essential features of a good thesis statement. Option 1: I have learned how to write a interesting introduction Option 2: I have learned how to use better words in my essays I have learned to write an effective summary. The essential items to a summary is to explain a writing project in a shorter manner. You need to get the point across quickly and name get to the thesis statement. I know how to cite sources correctly in my writing. I learned how to cite sources the MLA way. People must cite sources correctly because then you could be breaking the law. The writers must get credit for what they wrote. Here is a hyperlink to one of my papers that has some MLA citing in it. I have learned four ways to organize essays. There is four essays persuasive, comparison/contrast, informative, and definition My best essay was my comparison/contrast one about antelope vs. whitetail deer. I chose the point by point method to explain each one at the same time. My essay I know the essential features of a good thesis statement. A good thesis statement has to be interesting, tells what side you are on, and talks about what you are going to write about. “I believe the death penalty is good and useful to our country.” This is a good thesis statement because it explains what I am talking about and what side I am on. I have learned how to write a interesting introduction This class has helped me to think about writing a better introduction. Before I didn’t think much about it and now I am to get people’s attention. Introduction I have learned how to use better words in my essays The words I used in my papers used to be pretty bad. Now I am not using you and your so much anymore Here is an example of the before and after Conclusion My strengths are limited because I didn’t do much writing in high school. I can use PowerPoint and write papers a lot better. I need to work on my introductions and conclusions. I hope to learn more in comp. 2 Writing Skill / Levels 1 & 2 Level One: – – – Expresses clearly thoughts and ideas in informal writing contexts. Composes structurally correct sentences in Standard American English. Generates well-developed, coherent paragraphs. Level Two: – – – Processes information to produce writing that clearly and accurately summarizes and/or reports. Writes, well-developed, focused essays. Searches for information and inserts research appropriately.