Dr. Alba C. Ben-Barka Writer Name ___________________________________ ESOL ____ Pd ______ Reviewers First Names ___________________________ Essay Rubric _____A/A- (9-8) These are superior essays. They have clear statement of position, thoughtful support, convincing examples, and stylistic maturity (Sentence structure, diction, organization). Please √. Yes No Clear /strong thesis w/controlling words excellent assertion, evidence, commentary Academic /sophisticated language Excellent organization ___B+/B/B- (7-6) These are excellent essays. However, they have a thesis which lacks the specific and convincing proof of the superior essays. The author’s writing style is less mature; thus has occasional lapses of diction, tone, syntax, or organization, and occasional plot summary. Please √. Yes No Acceptable thesis Appropriate assertion, evidence, commentary Satisfactory evidence of organization ___C+/C/C- (5-4) These are mediocre, but adequate essays. Please √. Yes No Not quite clear thesis Assertion or argument not as well developed Organization not especially effective/ weak These essays will receive a score no higher than 4 if they show any one of the following: √ Need for Improvement/ Evidence of Weaknesses or of Errors a. oversimplify or over-generalize the issues b. write only in general terms, ignoring fine distinctions/mostly plot summary c. fail to discuss the issue completely and satisfactorily d. mismanage the evidence e. contain insufficient details f. fail to establish the importance to the writer g. treat only one aspect of a two-sided issue h. cite examples but fail to consider the consequences i. cite stylistic techniques but fail to explain the impact j. characterize the passage without analyzing the language _____D+/D (3-2) These essays are weak. They lack clear organization and adequate support, the writing style is simplistic, and there are frequent grammar and spelling errors. Please √. Yes No Weak thesis Inadequate assertion, evidence, commentary _____F (1) These are poor essays. Although they may mention the question, they lack clarity, have little or no evidence, and contain consistent grammar and spelling errors. They are badly written, unacceptably brief, or off topic. __________________ (Score)