Dan Upgren FINAL ESSAY What a great semester of English it was. I enjoyed it did you? Well if you didn’t then there is something wrong with you. This semester of English was one of the best classes I have ever taken. Not only did I feel that I improved my writing skills a whole bunch, I enjoyed the class as well. I have never had an English teacher that tried to make the class interesting; they all just read everything out of the book. I felt that Mrs. Russell actually wanted us to enjoy the class, which I did. I can sit here and say that I enjoyed the class as much as I want to. But the truth of the matter is that I don’t feel that I deserve a very good grade for the semester. I was a very lazy student this semester. I often missed class for personal reasons or for work. This caught up with me in the long run as I always had to rely on somebody to get the information that I missed in class. I do feel that without the great effort or the teacher to make the class interesting I probably would have gone to class at all though. I do feel however that I did a good job of participating in class. I was always willing to speak my mind on the subject that we were discussing in class. I was also a hard worker in all group projects, I tried to give all of my knowledge to the group and help out in any way possible. This did include going up in front of the class at times when the group struggled to come up with acceptable answers. I did my best to submit all assignments on time and don’t think that I left any assignments unfinished or not turned in. I may have missed class, but I did take care of business when it came to turning in the assignments that were due for class. I believe that I may have left one unfinished assignment not turned in. That assignment was the first power point we did in class on a poem entitled “The First Practice.” Other than that I feel that I did a very good job of completing assignments. After reading through this essay I feel that I would probably deserve a grade somewhere in the C range. I gave effort in some areas but not in others and that would in turn make me just an average student.