final exam focus


Study Focus for final exam NTR 2009

The questions you have from each chapter are your best bet – main concepts, not nitty-gritty.

Be especially aware of the following:

Ch. 1 has basic vocab.: nutrients and their functions, metabolism, energy, DRI, RDA, AI.,

Sources of accurate nutrition information.

Ch. 2 every study questions is pretty basic. Calories. Vegetarians, vegans.

Ch. 3 food path for digestion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion. Sites of digestions for carbs, proteins, fats.

Role of intestine, circulatory system, lymphatic system.

Ch.4 know difference between starch, fiber, glucose and their roles.

lactose intolerance, cavities, calculations such as #10.

Ch. 5 know types of lipids and their problems: sat fat, monounsat, polyunsat, trans fats, HDL,

LDL, cholesterol,

Examples of foods that are sources. Calculations such as #11

Ch. 6 The set on the list are all pretty basic.

Vitamins: definition, Enriched, fortified, functions of NRT, deficiencies, food sources; roles of B6, folate, B12; good sources

ADEK: functions, sources, deficiencies

Ch. 7 definition metabolism, role of coenzymes, ATP and energy, dealing with excess fat, carb, protein; fasting. EER

Ch. 8-9 sources of energy; hunger, appetite, satiation and satiety.

BMI, leptin, ghrelin, anorexia, bulimia.

Ch. 12 water functions, mineral, trace minerals; sodium functions & sources; potassium function

& sources; calcium function & sources and deficiency; phosphorus function & source;

Ch. 13 iron function, source & deficiency; iodine deficiency

Ch. 15-17 Life cycle health habits before pregnancy, during pregnancy, growing up and adulthood : energy and nutritional needs, risks of obesity, malnutrition problems.

Ch. 19 microbes and food poisoning. Temperature for food storage, ways to avert food poisoning, pasteurization, irradiation. Organizations and their functions: FDA, EPA, USDA.,

Delaney clause, GRAS. Pesticides, toxins, contaminants, additives – what are they; what are their functions. Organic food

Videos: Dying to be thin, Food inc., Supersize me, Diet wars: basic concepts in each.
