September 19, 2011

VCSU Student Senate
Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2011
Call to Order
a. Krueger calls meeting to order at 7:00.
Roll Call
a. Total: 18
b. Present: Aune, Dahlberg, Dammel, Davis, Faure, Haugeberg, Henkel, Hoover, Jilek,
Johnson, Jorgenson, Krueger, Martin, Miller, Oakes, Oladosu, Ryan, Pederson, Shadlock,
c. Excused: Edinger, Faure
d. Unexcused: NA
e. Guests: Guttormson, McCullough, Huber, Swenson, Good
f. Quorum: Met at 90%
Approval of Minutes
a. Dahlberg moves to approve the minutes. Oladosu seconds.
b. Motion passes.
Approval of Agenda
a. Dahlberg moves to approve the agenda. Miller seconds.
i. Date says the 19th, not the 18th. Hoover moves to change the date, Henkel
b. Motion passes.
New Business
a. New Club Recognition
i. Psychology Club
1. Guttormson, McCullough, Huber representing the club
2. Psychology majors do not have a ton of direction as far as where to take
their degree or what to do when out of the classroom.
3. Good way to get together with Dr. Woehl and Klingenberg so that they
can explore options, go on trips, etc.
4. Doing community service as well in regards to human services.
a. Looking for guidance on what to do
5. Fundraising
a. Paying a fee for gas money for conferences
b. Waiting to see what others would think and what they need to
6. Looking at have other members of other psychology clubs come in to
7. Thinking about meeting once a week, dependent on other people’s
schedules. Meeting on campus.
8. Had five people truly interested in the club, a lot more interested in
wanting to come
9. Open for all majors
ii. Coloring Club
1. Henkel representing the club
a. Started last year as something fun for students to de-stress.
b. Done at many prestigious universities
c. Not set in regards to how much we meet. On a need basis.
d. Not thought of as a real club.
e. Sensible way to blow off steam.
f. Day care involvement with kids.
iii. VCSU Golf Club
1. Swenson and Good representing.
a. Main purpose is for recreation. Getting people together, who
are interested and learn the rules a bit more, go to local
b. Provide an area for students to play during winter months.
c. Simulator in the basement of Vangstad to use for students.
Decorate it up. Students can practice there.
d. Fees
i. For each academic year, charge $5.00.
ii. Fundraisers throughout the year to keep the club going.
e. Discussion of having benefits. Have golf courses charge for a
half off game for those in the club.
f. Doing this for the L2L group.
g. Team up with the golf team, boys and girls.
h. Requirements for application form
i. Be a member of VCSU.
2. Dahlberg moves to approve Psychology Club. Wright seconds.
a. Motion passes
3. Dahlberg moves to approve Coloring club. Pederson seconds.
a. Motion passes
4. Martin moves to approve Golf club. Henkel seconds.
a. Motion passes
b. Marketplace
i. Krueger got a table for L2L Marketplace and would like people to be there.
ii. 11:00 to 12:00 on Thursday.
1. Pederson, Aune, and Haugeberg volunteer for working with the table
2. Meet at senate office at 10:45.
3. Wear VCSU apparel
c. Senate Apparel
i. By October NDSA, we should have apparel.
1. Use X-Treme printing for the work
2. Quarter-zip sweatshirt, or full zip jacket, and t-shirts, or a t-shirt with
some sort of collar as suggestion
3. Wright to talk to X-Treme.
4. Keep it local
5. Suggest Dakota to do apparel.
6. Henkel to get price quotes. Senate covers $10 or the equivalence of tshirt price.
d. Viking Spirit
i. Bring Viking Spirit to VCSU.
ii. Staff and faculty do something similar
iii. Students should be a part of something. Encourage them to wear Viking
apparel every Friday. Start with those from executive team. Tenth person is the
person chosen.
iv. Start on Homecoming week, and carry it on from there. Person gets $5.00.
v. Do the end of the month to announce winners.
vi. Not doing it the week of Nov. 11th, and 25th.
vii. Bare minimum to wear is a hat. As long as we can see that there is something
VCSU, it’s all good.
viii. Motion to approve $50 for Viking. Henkel with first, Oladosu with second.
1. Motion passes
e. Student Senate Bonding
i. Individuals would like to have bonding time.
ii. Suggestions
1. Thunder road
2. Skateland
3. Bowling
4. Billiards in Fargo
5. Hay ride
a. There’s one north of Casselton
iii. Need to know costs. Pederson volunteers to know costs of these suggestions.
Unfinished Business
i. Community Service
1. Sent out email with the possibilities
2. Ideas/suggestions
3. Rosebud Daycare says they can always find something to do, such as
painting or stuff outside.
4. Bell ringing was a great idea last year.
5. Christmas cards for soldiers
6. Need to do Highway Cleanup this semester
7. Linus Project
a. 5 interested
8. City cleanup
a. 1 interested
9. Caroling
a. 6 interested
10. Christmas cards
a. 9 interested
11. Bell ringing
a. 11 interested
12. Painting
a. 0 interested
13. Henkel motions that we have a Christmas party doing cards for Soldiers,
and bell ringing on the same day. Aune seconds.
a. Need to check with bell ringers because there are set days.
Community Service committee will contact Rhonda Fairfield.
b. Katie, Henkel, Ryan and Miller on committee
ii. Homecoming float
1. 26ft trailer ready to be decorated.
2. How many days do we need to use the Meyer shop
a. It is all free.
3. When should we decorate?
a. Usually done Thursday and Friday evening.
b. Wednesday night and Friday night to decorate.
i. Usually three people do float.
4. Theme
a. Be a music band.
b. Be there Saturday by 9:00am.
c. Alumni breakfast is required for all members to attend.
i. 8:00am?
d. Coordinate the homecoming float
i. Hoover, Martin, Dammel volunteer to coordinate.
ii. Please shop locally for all the stuff.
iii. Have enough candy!
e. Thursday by noon we should have two ideas for theme. Decide
by Friday night at 8:00pm. Have all week to plan.
f. Two convertables. Gilbert wants to be in his own vehicle.
g. Stutt-Rouss has mustangs. Do we want them or pickups?
h. Go with convertables.
iii. All Senate Get Together
1. Asking them if October 25th (Tuesday) from 11 to 12:30 would work for
2. Skoal room is taken up by president’s pizza for L2L.
3. Food
a. Pulled pork, fruit bowl, desserts.
a. President
i. Proposing Dahlberg will hold meeting from 6:30 to 7:15pm next week. Krueger
is not available to preside.
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
i. Krueger will take CIFT for next Tuesday at 8:30am.
ii. CIFT had no items of discussion. The reports that were discussed showed that
operations are running smoothly.
i. Curriculum Committee met.
1. Getting ready for course changes, because this is a catalog year.
2. Graduate program suggested two possible option additions
a. Music and Career and Technical Education
b. Would be added to current concentrations and are a 12 credit
c. Going with option adds because they are non-transcripted, but
are listed in specific course names, and that they do not need
SBHE approval.
i. Events
1. Past events
a. September 16th: Vikings After Dark
b. September 16th: Poster Sale
2. Upcoming
a. September 20th: Water Ballon Volleyball at 7pm tomorrow by
b. October 23rd: Acres of Terror, look for email. They are meeting
tomorrow and discussing prices.
h. Viking Ambassadors
i. Athletics
i. The Viking football team beat Dakota State University 44-27, making their
record 2-1. They travel to Rapid City this weekend to take on South Dakota
School of Mines, kickoff is set for 6pm Central Time.
ii. The Lady Volleyball team lost both contests on the weekend to South Dakota
School of Mines and Black Hills State.
iii. The Men’s Golf Team traveled to Dickinson and placed 3rd as a team, top
medalist for the Viking was Taylor Henrickson, who shot a 149.
iv. Upcoming Home Events
1. Wednesday, September 21st, the volleyball team hosts the Jamestown
Jimmies at 7pm in Graichen Gym.
j. Fine Arts
k. Communication and Social Sciences
l. Business and Information Technologies
m. Education
n. Science and Math
i. Dr. Casey Williams new teacher
ii. Prairie Waters teacher Joelle had a baby and is back from maternity leave.
o. Other Reports
i. Meeting adjourned at 8:76pm.