VCSU Student Senate Meeting Minutes September 26, 2011

VCSU Student Senate
Meeting Minutes
September 26, 2011
Call to Order
a. Dahlberg calls meeting to order at 7:00.
Roll Call
a. Total: 18
b. Present: Aune, Dahlberg, Dammel, Davis, Edinger, Faure, Haugeberg, Johnson,
Jorgenson, Martin, Oakes, Rhyan, Pederson, Wright
c. Excused: Henkel, Hoover, Jilek, Krueger, Miller, Oladosu, Shadlock
d. Unexcused: NA
e. Guests: NA
f. Quorum: Met at 90%
Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes says 8:76, not 8:17.
b. Faure listed on both present and excused. Should be present.
c. Pederson to Motion and Rhyan second to amend the minutes.
i. Motion passes.
Approval of Agenda
i. Aune with motion; Pederson second
b. Motion passes.
Unfinished Business
a. Homecoming Float
i. Asking for $200 for the float
ii. Using ambulance shop behind Stop-N-Go Wed-Fri
iii. Wednesday we are going to decorate the float, maybe on Friday.
iv. Start at 5:00pm at the ambulance shop until whenever we can be done.
v. Come and help decorate
vi. Attach stakes as well as pumpkins on the top?
vii. Aune motions to allocate $200 to float. Dammel seconds.
1. Motion passes
b. All-Senate-Get-Together
i. Waiting for more information regarding the date.
c. Senate Apparel
i. Talked to Bridgetown, X-treme, Dakota.
ii. For embroidering, costs $5.00.
iii. Design – Student Senate on the chest. Backdrop of the Viking Logo.
iv. Go back to find a best deal, not one that looks like it was ripped off from NDSU.
v. Get a mock up for next week’s meeting
d. Student Senate Bonding
i. At Billards, we can get a deck for $30 an hour
ii. Thunderoad closed
iii. Skateland – $4--$5.50 a ticket.
1. For groups, $1.00 off for discount.
iv. Bowling is three games, price of shoes is $10/person
v. Put on our own hay ride
vi. No interest in Billiards
vii. Want to do Hay Ride.
viii. Only local option is bowling
ix. Tabled to next week
New Business
a. Alumni Breakfast
i. 8:30-8:45
ii. This Saturday. It is mandatory for all to be there.
iii. Executive team has to be there at 8:30
iv. Everyone else at 8:45.
v. Free breakfast
vi. Announce name, hometown, and your membership
vii. Wear VCSU apparel or senate apparel.
b. Campus Safety Walk
i. Night of the Week
1. Monday night, possibly
2. Second choice would be Wednesday
3. Would have to be when it is dark outside.
a. President
i. No Report
b. Vice President
i. No Report
c. Treasurer
i. No Report
d. Secretary
i. Name tags have been ordered and will be given towards the middle of October.
i. No Report
i. No Report
i. No Representation
h. Viking Ambassadors
i. Starting our office hours
ii. Tours are starting to pick up
iii. we have our meeting next week Monday, October 3 at 9pm
i. Athletics
i. No Report
j. Fine Arts
i. No Report
k. Communication and Social Sciences
i. No Report
l. Business and Information Technologies
i. The Business department have come up with 5 areas that they will be focusing
on in the future:
1. Increase enrollment through alternative delivery methods and to nontraditional markets.
2. Marketing and promotion for growth and credibility
3. Develop partnerships
4. Seek accreditation
5. Academic Success
ii. With the new catalog year, the division will also be changing the overall
objective to read what ‘the mission statement’ of the BIT division will be
iii. In the next week, we will be revising the learning outcomes to have a more
direct relation to where the division is going in the future.
iv. There was a 40% return on the student strategic survey sent out to all junior and
senior BIT majors.
v. Those surveys played a large piece to the future of direct strategies
m. Education
i. No Report
n. Science and Math
i. No Report
o. Other Reports
a. Pictures to be taken next week.
b. We will have name tags at the latest around mid-October
i. Meeting adjourned at 7:04pm.