VCSU Student Senate Meeting Minutes October 10, 2011 I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order a. Krueger calls meeting to order at 7:00. Roll Call a. Total: 19 b. Present: Aune, Dahlberg, Dammel, Davis, Edinger, Faure, Hansen, Haugeberg, Henkel, Hoover, Jilek, Johnson, Jorgenson, Krueger, Martin, Oakes, Oladosu, Rhyan, Shadlock, Wright c. Excused: Miller, Pederson d. Unexcused: NA e. Guests: NA f. Quorum: Met at 90.48% Approval of Minutes a. Edinger to approve minutes. Henkel with second. b. Dahlberg motions to change new business into old business. Martin with second. i. Motion passes Approval of Agenda a. Oladosu motions to approve. Dammel with second. b. Dahlberg motions to change date to Oct. 10. i. Motions to change haunted hall to haunted mall ii. Motion passes Unfinished Business a. All-Senate-Get-Together i. On Oct. 18th Tuesday at 11 am ii. Topics to bring up: 1. Dead Week 2. Timeline of hiring process 3. Appropriate, professional dress 4. Online tuition fees 5. Ask about the Macs iii. Need $500 for food 1. Pulled pork, pasta, chips, pickles, dessert 2. Drinks – lemonade and water iv. Aune motions to appropriate $500 for All-Senate-Get-Together. Faure with second 1. Motion passes v. Wear Senate apparel or VCSU apparel b. Senate Apparel i. Like #1 Design on front 1. Put student senate below ii. T-Shirt Voting 1. Option 1 – 13 2. Option 2 – 5 3. Option 3 – 0 iii. Same option goes for the long sleeve VI. VII. iv. Henkel motions to leave t-shirt 2 as it is, choose option 2. Rhyan with second. 1. Dahlberg abstains. v. Jacket 1. Go with the quarter zip for $70 2. Go back to Bordertown for a cheaper option c. Viking Spirit i. Last week’s winner was Bradyn Good New Business a. Finance Requests i. English club requested $300 1. Need the money to plan activities, bringing poets 2. Need money to poetry reading, marketing things 3. Motion was to approve $150. 4. Aune to approve finance decisions decision. Henkel with second a. Motion passes ii. Katie Oakes 1. Came to finance committee to request, but denied 2. Requesting refund of $500, covers tuition a. Motion was passed to allocate $200 3. Faure to approve request. Shadlock with second. 4. Henkel to friendly amend that we give $400. Faure accepts. a. Motion passes b. Going Away Gift i. We gave Glen a gift for putting up with us. ii. Sign a card for Trudy Collins c. Haunted Mall i. Strauss mall owners have ok’d Oct. 28th-29th 1. Possibly the 30th as well ii. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, of $150. iii. Five interested in wanting to set up and clean iv. Three willing to be in room v. Davis to volunteer to make it scary with Aune. 1. Theme for three people vi. Discussion next week d. NDSA at VCSU i. Tabled to next meeting Reports a. President i. NO REPORT b. Vice President i. NO REPORT c. Treasurer i. NO REPORT d. Secretary i. NO REPORT e. NDSA i. NO REPORT f. VCAB VIII. IX. i. Past Events 1. October 5: Hana Pestle ii. Upcoming Events 1. October 11: Suicide Awareness 2. October 21: Vikings After Dark 3. October 23: Acres of Terror in Leonard, ND 4. October 26: VCAB Halloween Dance g. IRHC i. NO REPORT h. Viking Ambassadors i. NO REPORT i. Athletics i. The football team beat Mayville on Saturday 54-20. They are 5-1 on the season and are leading the DAC, they are also ranked 18th in the nation, they will host Dickinson State on Saturday. ii. On Friday night, the volleyball team lost to Jamestown College 1-3, on Saturday they defeated Dickinson State 3-1 and Mayville State 3-0, that puts them 10-15 on the year. They host Minot State on Wednesday at Graichen Gym. iii. The Cross Country team traveled to Dickinson State University. Jesse Dorado placed 3rd with a time of 21.38, Casey Flick and Richard Wright placed 8th and 9th. Anna Fuka was again the top runner on the female side as she recorded a time of 15.50 which placed her 3rd. Head to Jamestown on Friday for the Jimmie Invitational on Friday. j. Fine Arts i. NO REPORT k. Communication and Social Sciences i. Last Monday, October 3rd, the Psychology Club had their first meeting. They are having another one tonight at 9 p.m. All are encouraged to attend! ii. Psychology Conferene will be the 15th of October at UND iii. The musical, Little Shop of Horrors, will be the 27th, 28th, and 29th of October at 7:30 in Vangstad l. Business and Information Technologies i. NO REPORT m. Education i. NO REPORT n. Science and Math i. NO REPORT o. Other Reports Announcements i. Forum is this Wednesday from 11:00 to 1:00 and 5:00 to 7:00 ii. Need half hour slots iii. Reminder that student senate bonding is Oct. 30 iv. Campus safety walk is tonight. Adjournment i. Meeting adjourned at 8:01.