Algebra 1 PAP Syllabus 2014-2015

Marie Wadih
Westside High School
Course Information Algebra 1 PreAP
Course Description
The goal of the Algebra 1 team is that all of our students understand and appreciate the mathematics they are
studying; that they can read it, write it, explore it, and communicate it with confidence; and that they will be
able to use mathematics as they need to in their lives.
We believe that problem solving (investigating, conjecturing, predicting, analyzing, and verifying), followed by
a well-reasoned presentation of results, is central to the process of learning mathematics, and that this
learning happens most effectively in a cooperative, student-centered classroom.
Class Procedures
When you enter class please follow the directions listed on the board. This course is problem-based, studentcentered and dependent upon discussion so be prepared to work on problems and share solutions with a
partner, group or class.
The following system will be used to determine grades:
Tests 60%
Quizzes 30%
Homework/Daily Participation 10%
TESTS - There will be two unit tests each six weeks on predetermined dates. Tests can and will contain any
topics covered throughout the year up to the test date. In addition, there will be a cumulative test at the end
of each six weeks.
TESTS RETAKE POLICY – The six weeks test counts as its own test grade and will also:
 if passed, add 5 points to both previous test scores; new scores will never exceed the six weeks test grade
or 75 whichever is lower
 if the test grade is 70 or above, it will replace a failing test grade with the six weeks test score, not to
exceed 75
 if failed with a higher failing grade than a previous test score, it will replace the previous test score with
the six weeks test grade
QUIZZES - The purpose of quizzes in this class is to check for your understanding of topics covered, every few
days. Quizzes can be announced or pop; solo, partner, or group. You will be able to use notes on some quizzes
and not on others. If the corresponding unit test grade is higher than the corresponding quiz grades, I will
replace those quiz grades with your unit test grade up to a maximum of 75.
HOMEWORK/PARTICIPATION GRADE - Homework is necessary for practice and for mastering the material
covered. You will be graded on daily assignments. You must keep your notebook organized and all work must
be shown and explanations clear. Other grades may include spot check on homework and participation grades
for participating in discussions and putting problems on the board.
LATE WORK – Late assignments will be accepted for partial credit at teacher’s discretion unless late due to
absence from school.
Absences/Make-Up Work
If you miss class for any reason it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what it is that you missed. If you miss
the day that an assignment is due you must turn it in the next day you are in school. If you miss a quiz or test
day it is expected that you will make up the test or quiz the day you return. If you miss multiple days we will
make arrangements as needed.
I will be in room E224 most lunch periods. If you can’t come at lunch time, you can go see another Algebra 1
teacher prior to the first bell or after school. You can also come in by appointment.
Classroom Rules
 Be prompt, be prepared, and be polite.
 Have school supplies needed
- pencils, erasers, pen, and paper
 Respect others and their property.
 Obey all school rules – ID around your neck at all times and in proper dress code
 Follow the Do Right Rule
“Do what you are supposed to do, when you are supposed to do it, the way it is supposed to be done…and
do it that way every time.”
1st Offense:
2nd Offense:
3rd Offense:
4th Offense:
Severity Clause:
Warning/Conference with Teacher
Warning/Parent phone call
Discipline Referral to Assistant Principal
Severe disruption/behavior will result in an automatic referral to the Assistant Principal
Tardy Policy
You are expected to be in class when the tardy bell rings. If you are not, then you are considered tardy and will
need to obtain a tardy pass from the house secretary.
 2” Three ring binder
 Pencils
 Eraser
 Red Pen
 Notebook Paper
 Notebook dividers with tabs (pack of 5)
 Graphing calculator (optional)
Final Word
This is going to be an exciting year with mathematics presented in a way that is different from anything you
have done before in a math class. I know that if you give it your best you will be successful in this class and
show mastery of the concepts by passing the Algebra STAAR at the end of the year. Your long term goal of
becoming a high school graduate is dependent upon passing this course and I am looking forward to helping
you achieve your goals.