Jan 27 Lesson Plan

Maria Montero
Subject Area:
Computer Programming
Unit Title: Introduction to Dreamweaver
Lesson Date:
January 27, 2015
Room No.:
Lesson Title: Introduction to Dreamweaver
Meeting Time/Period:
3rd, 5th, 7th
Grade Levels:
10 - 12
What is the lesson objective?
The student will be able to:
Create a webpage using HTML on Dreamweaver
Create a CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) and link to a webpage
Standards addressed and expectations of students:
130.276.C. 4 The student identifies and analyzes the client project software needs and requirements
6. The student designs a software application plan
Do Now:
What is the code to link a style sheet to an HTML webpage
Instructional Delivery:
 Direct Instruction
 Guided Practice
 Independent Practice
 Facilitator
Direct Instruction:
continue HTML tags and CSS Styling
Independent Practice:
Create a Homepage for Deep Dish Pizza
Create a Homepage for Murfreesboro Regional Soccer League
Create your personal website’s Homepage
Review concepts learned
Closure: Exit Ticket journal
 Notebook, Computer, Internet, Flash-drive, handouts, Learn Key