February 4

Oregon State University Retirement Association (OSURA)
Minutes of the Board Meeting
Tuesday, February 4, 2003
Present: Bill Brennan, Irma Delson, Les Dunnington, David Eiseman, Gale Hazel,
George Keller, Kathy Meddaugh, Jean Peters, Bill Wilkins
Marilyn Sarff
Approval of Board Meeting Minutes: The Minutes from the January 7, 2003 OSURA
Board Meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: The current balance in the OSURA account is $1,416.99. Costs for
the Fine Art and Wine Tour were approximately $400. Expenses for the Drug Issues
Facing Seniors presentation held on January 23rd have not been received.
Current Business:
 OSURA-ALL Document: Les Dunnington distributed the final version of the
document to the Board. Gale Hazel will file a copy to keep on record in the
Association’s permanent files.
 Drug Issues Program: George Keller stated that there were about 18 attendees
for the event. The Board then discussed actions we might take to improve
attendance at events. They were:
- Survey attendees or pass out an evaluation after the program to find out
what worked and what improvements could be made.
- Send out a press release about the event to OSU This Week.
- Mail the postcard invitation sooner.
- Make announcements at ALL classes, AROPE, Triad, and other OSU
related service groups.
- Put a flyer up at the Senior Center and/or get an article about the program
in Senior News.
- Posting events on the OSU Web Master Calendar.
 Tour of the Pauling Collection, March 20: George Keller will meet with Cliff
Mead at the Valley Library to arrange logistics and establish the times for the
tours. There will be a tour in the morning and one in the afternoon. The Board
discussed the feasibility of using the campus shuttle on its regular route as a
means to get attendees to the library. George will acquire the shuttle schedule and
investigate whether this will work. He will also prepare copy for the event’s
promotional materials and send them to Gale Hazel. Gale will design and mail the
postcard and send an announcement to the OSURA listserv. She will also send a
follow-up reminder to the listserv just before the event. In addition, Gale
mentioned she would post the event on the OSU Web Master Calendar. The
Board agreed that the Pauling Collection Tour should be advertised to members
 Bylaw Revision: The Board reviewed and then passed unanimously the Article
IV, Section 1, D revision to the OSURA Bylaws. The revision is as follows:
“On recommendation of the Membership Committee, and approval of the board, honorary or
associate membership may be conferred as a means of recognition, or in situations where the
individual is not otherwise eligible, but where OSURA and the individual, by virtue of his/her
professional experience, will mutually benefit from the association. This membership will include
all privileges of membership. Associate members pay the regular dues and honorary members pay
no dues.”
 Management of Mailing Lists: Kathy Meddaugh reviewed the document she had
prepared which outlined some of the mailing list access issues facing OSURA in
the future. Kathy plans to retire in the fall, and is concerned about who will
manage the database of retirees once she leaves her position. The Board agreed
action needed to be taken so that we may continue to have access to this data. A
subcommittee, consisting of Les Dunnington, Jean Peters, Kathy Meddaugh, and
Gale Hazel, will recommend a strategy at the next Board meeting.
 Cooperative Recruitment Letter: Jean Peters announced that she has put the
plan “on hold” pending the outcome of the mailing list access issue and other
administrative issues facing the Board.
 Annual Meeting Progress: Jean Peters shared with the Board that ALL is
planning an ALL Appreciation Day on May 16 and was concern that this event
may detract from the OSURA Annual Meeting planned for May 14. After a brief
discussion, the Board agreed to go ahead with plans for the Annual Meeting.
Currently, President Tim White as agreed to speak and Starr McMullen (fiddle
player) has agreed to provide the entertainment. The Board briefly discussed
publishing another issue of the OSURA newsletter as the newsletter editor. Irma
Delson announced she is unable to continue to write articles for the newsletter.
Bill Wilkins volunteered to ask Ron Lovell if he might be willing to help write the
articles for the newsletter.
 OSURA Budget Development-Business Plan: Les Dunnington distributed to
the Board a list of OSURA activities that Mary Alice Seville and Cliff Gray
prepared and sent to the Board members by email. Les encouraged the Board to
reply to Mary Alice’s email with additions to the list. Mary Alice will give an
update on the Business Plan at the next Board meeting.
 Other: Bill Brennan passed information to Board members about volunteer
opportunities through the Career Services Office. Career Services needs
volunteers to assist them with the upcoming Career Fairs on Feb. 25, 26. Bill
volunteered to call members to see if they would be interested in helping. He also
volunteered to prepare an announcement for the OSURA listserv.
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 27, 2003: 10:00 a.m.– noon, OSU Foundation,
Christensen Room.
Meeting Adjourned: After no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.