1 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY REITREMENT ASSOCIATION (OSURA) MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING May 3, 2004 Present: Bill Brennan, Norma Barnhisel, Les Dunnington, David Eiseman, Gale Hazel, Kathy Heath, Ron Lovell, Kathy Meddaugh, Jean Peters, Bill Wilkins Guest: Ken Krane The meeting was called to order by President-elect Brennan at 10 a.m. He introduced Krane who is running for an opening on the board. He explained that Peters had asked him to preside because this was the first meeting she had been able to attend in several months. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes and they were approved. Treasurer’s Report: Wilkins reported that the remainder of the money in the Provost’s account had been spent on the newsletter. He reminded the board that an additional $3,000 would be available from the Provost after July 1. The OSU Foundation account now has $1,849.27 in it. He plans to meet with new treasurer Heath later in the week to discuss procedures for handling the duties of that job. Old Business: Softball game—Wilkins said it was hard to tell how many retirees had responded to OSURA’s invitation to attend. There was then a brief discussion of future joint efforts with the Athletic Department. Newsletter—Lovell reported that the added costs of a larger print run and a shortened deadline meant that the new edition could not be published in color. Otherwise, the preparation by he and Hazel went smoothly. Weatherford Hall—Dunnington said that there were still slots open for the 20 able to go on the May 21 tour. Retiree Directory—Brennan reported on the meeting he and Hazel had with Frank Ragulsky and Kami Smith of Student Media and Publications. Both Ragulsky and Smith were receptive to the idea of including both academic and classified OSU retirees in the Campus Directory as a separate section. Ragulsky suggested that OSURA consider printing additional copies of that section for members and others wishing to buy copies. Hazel will secure permissions from retirees and prepare the list. Smith will prepare the camera-ready layout. OSURA and University Advancement will pay any additional costs. Brennan will set up a meeting with Hazel and Meddaugh to discuss how to obtain the names and permissions. 2 Golf Party—Brennan reported that plans for the September 8 event are proceeding well. Members of his committee are working out details on activities for non-golfers, publicity, the registration form, refreshments, and people to help that day. The cost for golfers was raised to $30. The next meeting of that committee is set for 11:30 a.m. on June 22 at Trysting Tree. State Planning Meeting—Brennan reported that the date for the meeting to discuss OSURA’s hosting of a future state or regional conference of retirement had been changed to June 14 in Portland. He, Peters, Dunnington, and George Keller will attend. Keller will chair a committee to investigate this future activity. Annual Meeting—Peters reviewed the agenda for the May 12 event to be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the OSU Foundation Building. After introductions by she and Brennan, students from the University Theatre will present selections from “Three Penny Opera.” OSU President Ed Ray will speak next. A business meeting to review the year and elect new board members will close out the afternoon. Marilyn Sarff will handle refreshments and door prizes. Members agreed to arrive at 2 p.m. to help set up the room. New Business: Peters presented an amendment to the OSURA Constitution to increase the number of board members by one. The reason for the increase is to bring in an additional person to help with OSURA activities and to avoid the hampering of business due to the lack of a quorum. The changes will be as follows: OSURA Constitutional Amendment Article IV: Board of Directors and Officers Section 4: Officers. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a PresidentElect, the Immediate Past President, a Secretary and a Treasurer …. OSURA Bylaws Amendment Article II: Composition of the Board The Board is responsible for governing the Association and shall be composed of the officers and seven (7) elected members. Past presidents are encouraged to serve as advisers to the Board. Peters moved that the amendment be approved, seconded by Lovell. It passed unanimously. Peters moved that the bylaws amendment be approved, seconded by Dunnington. This also passed unanimously. 3 Brennan then added Glenn Klein to the list of nominees for the board to be voted on at the annual meeting. Volunteers—Heath proposed the creation of annual awards to recognize outstanding volunteers who participated in OSURA activities throughout the year. The board approved three people to receive the award at the annual meeting: Glenn Klein, Jo Anne Trow, and Dale Weber. ALL Activities—Peters and Eiseman reported on future activities of the Academy for Lifelong Learning. Future Meeting—Lovell invited the board to hold a future meeting on the Oregon coast at the Yaquina Head lighthouse. Members agreed and picked July 26 for that meeting. He will make arrangements. Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 23, 2004, 10 a.m. to noon, Christensen Room of the OSU Foundation Building Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.