OSU Retirement Association Steering Committee Meeting Minutes from January 9, 2002 Attending: Bob Becker, Irma Delson, Les Dunnington, Gale Hazel, George Keller, Carol Mason, Kathy Meddaugh, Carlene Moorefield, Claudia Painter, Jean Peters, Les Risser, Marilyn Sarff, Lisa Templeton, Bill Wilkins Guests: Jim Corbett, Business Manager, Administrative Services, Information Services, Mary Kelsey, President of AROPE, Dean Booster, Treasurer of AROPE 1. Introductions 1. Minutes The minutes from the December 5, 2001 meeting were accepted. 1. Presentation Jim Corbett, Business Manager for Information Services, presented information on the announced closure of modem pool access for off-campus computer users. He explained that the action is being made to help cut expenses in Information Services. Information Services will make a final decision on the extent of the termination on January 22, after further input from the cabinet, deans, and other groups. He answered several questions from committee members about the closure. 1. OSURA Kick Off Event a. Kathy Meddaugh distributed a list of the names of people who will be mailed an invitation, asking for corrections and additions. The list currently has about 690 people on it. The committee also discussed where invitations could be distributed so that retirees not on the list could get one, including the Senior Center, the Benton County Library, the Alumni Center, and Stoneybrook. The responses to the invitation can be mailed to the Valley Library, or called or emailed to Carol Mason. Gale suggested that the committee discuss the development and maintenance of a retiree data base at the next meeting. b. Claudia will talk to Mark Floyd and Robert Hood about a news release for the local papers, and Mary Kelsey will take invitations to the next AROPE meeting. c. Lisa reported on the progress of the implementation of the program without hiring a replacement for Lucy Noone’s position. She thinks it may be done by the next Steering Committee meeting, and in the meantime the work is going forward on the Academy for Lifelong Learning activities. Jean expressed some concern about possible loss of momentum, especially in relation to the ALL Advisory Board and Curriculum Committee. Lisa will call the members as the process of picking Lucy’s successor continues, and will contact them in any case by January 30. d. Les presented details about the Kick-Off Event, reporting that Dr. Risser will give a welcome, George will speak about volunteer opportunities, Bill will describe the vision of OSURA and some of the proposed activities, and Lisa will present information about ALL. There will be a short video about OSU that will run prior to the program, which will begin around 4:45 p.m. The Committee discussed what materials should be available to those attending, how they should be distributed and presented, and who would be responsible for providing them. Claudia will prepare sign-up sheets available for people to indicate interest in membership, and the committee discussed the process for people to become members of OSURA. Carol and Carlene will be at the name tag table. Kathy, Irma, Claudia and Les D. will be greeters at the doors to the Alumni Center. Marilyn will contact Archives about photos to be displayed. Kathy will contact HR employees about the event so they can inform people who are inquiring about retirement. 1. Constitution and By-Laws a. The Committee discussed the revised proposed By-laws. George questioned the meaning of the phrase “former spouses” and it was agreed to not change it. George then suggested that the descriptions of Honorary and Associate membership in the By-Laws be combined, and the wording changed to indicate dues were not required for these categories. Gale made a motion, seconded by Les, to adopt the Constitution and By-Laws as amended. The motion passed unanimously. b. Claudia made a motion, seconded by Irma, that the Constitution be adopted. The motion passed unanimously. 1. Annual Meeting a. The Committee members agreed to serve as a pro tem Board of Advisors until after the annual meeting. b. The Committee voted unanimously that the annual meeting should be held May 23 from 4:00 5:30, in the OSU Foundation board room. c. Les D. and Bill W. agreed to serve as co-chairmen of the Steering Committee until the annual meeting. 1. After some discussion George made a motion, seconded by Claudia, that the membership fee for OSURA be $10 a year and that additional donations toward expenses be encouraged. The motion passed unanimously. $105 was collected from Steering Committee members in membership fees and contributions. 1. The next meeting of the OSURA Steering Committee will be on Wednesday, February 13 from 2:00 3:30 p.m., in the OSU Foundation board room. 1. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m.