HUM 1010 Humanities Through the Arts HH

HUM 1010
Introduction to Humanities
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This is a Concurrent Enrollment Course, offering both high school credit through ______________ High
School and college credit through Utah Valley University. Credit from this course is transferable to all
colleges and universities. Contact the receiving institution for how the credits will be applied.
Studies the media and compositional elements of the various art forms (literature, music, visual arts,
theater, film, dance, and architecture), for greater understanding and enjoyment. Teaches how to interpret
artistic meaning by analyzing artworks formally as well as in their historical contexts, such as the redominant subject matters and styles of their period. Encourages students to integrate the arts into their
daily lives habitually, so that they become lifelong learners and educators.
This class is available to all high school juniors and seniors in good academic standing. High school
prerequisites apply.
Learning Outcomes
This is a general overview course. We will cover in a couple of hour’s material that a more detailed class
would take two or three months to cover. We will cover the chapters from the text in sequence. Students
are expected to pay attention to where we are in class and in the textbook. Some chapters are covered more
quickly than others. There will be a quizzes following the chapters. Assignments will also be announced in
Students are expected to know major works of art that are part of the worlds' collective cultural heritage as
selected by the instructor.
Student are expected to recognize the difference between major objects of art with similar names.
Students are expected to recognize various major world cultures and the general style of art produced by
that culture.
Students are expected to be able to apply the concepts taught in class to the works of art they already like
and enjoy.
Students are expected to be able to apply the concepts taught in class, to describe a new work of art they
have never seen before.
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Text | Instructional Material
Students are expected to read the text. There will be questions from the text not covered in class on the
quizzes and test. If you have questions about material in the text you should ask during class if your question
wasn't covered in the class presentation.
These will be announced in class. These will count as 15% of your final grade. Assignments will be graded on
the following: Assignments will be graded on the following:
 Correct spelling & grammar.
 Typewritten. Handwritten assignments will not be accepted.
 The degree to which the assignment's stated objectives or goals are met.
 The clarity with which the student expresses opinion.
 Submitted on time.
Mid-Term Position Paper
Students are required to do a research paper on an ethical issue in the arts. This paper will be due midterm.
This counts as 35% of your final grade. This assignment MUST be turned in as a "Hard" paper copy. NO
electronic submissions will be accepted for this assignment.
The Position paper should be written on an issue dealing with ethics in the arts. These topics may be on such
suggested sample ideas as: Art Ownership, Art Censorship, Pornography and Art, Religion and Art, The issue
of What is Art? Forgery in Art, Copyrights, and Vulgarity as Art. Reading the art section of the NEW YORK
TIMES will help provide ideas and possible material for use in this paper.
Writing a Position Paper
Select an ethical issue concerning the arts.
Narrow or broaden your topic so that your paper can be completed in about five pages.
Research the topic.
Select your position on the topic.
Write a position statement (opening paragraph).
Outline your paper with at least three quotes from professional sources in support of your position.
Anticipate three arguments against your position and write a defense against these anticipated
Write your rough draft incorporating all of your material.
Revise and correct as necessary for the grade you desire.
Make a final draft; include a detailed bibliography of your sources.
Always keep a second copy for yourself in case a copy is lost.
Don't use vulgar or demeaning language in your paper.
Make sure your position is clearly stated.
Write using complete sentences, not fragments.
Check your spelling and grammar.
Avoid pretentiousness.
Use examples, and avoid assumptions.
Don't use repetitive statements as fillers.
Avoid emotional appeals; use facts.
Remember that popularity isn't proof of being correct.
Quizzes will follow each chapter. These will count as 15% of your final grade.
Final Test
The course final will count as 35% of your final grade for the course. The test is cumulative with questions
from the four quizzes representing the early chapters and the bulk of the final on the last five chapters in the
course. A practice final for personal or group study will be posted on blackboard in the last week of the term.
There will be a class study session before the test is given. The test is given in class and once the testing has
started no students will be admitted late.
Grading Scale
A = 100-93
A - = 92-90
B+ = 89-87
B = 86-83
Grades and Credit
B - = 82-80
C+ = 79-77
C = 76-73
C - = 72-70
D+ = 69-67
D = 66-63
D - = 62-60
F = 59-0
You will receive the same grade for your high school course as you receive for your college course. Your
grade for this class will become part of your permanent college transcript and will affect your GPA. A low
grade in this course can affect college acceptance and scholarship eligibility.
Academic Integrity
Utah Valley University expects all students to maintain integrity and high standards of individual honesty in
academic work, to obey the law, and to show respect for others. Students of this class are expected to
support an environment of academic integrity, have the right to such an environment, and should avoid all
aspects of academic dishonesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include plagiarizing, faking of data,
sharing information during an exam, discussing an exam with another student who has not taken the exam,
consulting reference material during an exam, submitting a written assignment which was authored by
someone other than you, and/or cheating in any form. Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary
action. Cheating will not be tolerated. It will result in a FAILING grade for the course.
In keeping with UVU policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade in the course and
disciplinary review by the college. Additional information on this topic is published in the student handbook
and is available on the UVU website.
Students with Disabilities
If you have any disability, which may impair your ability to successfully, complete this course, please contact
the Accessibility Services office, 863-8747, BU 146. Academic accommodations are granted for all students
who have qualified documented disabilities. All services are coordinated with the Accessibility Services
Dropping the Class
_________ is the last day to drop the course without it showing on your transcript.
_________ is the last day to withdraw from the class.
If you drop the high school class, you must also withdraw from the UVU class to avoid receiving an E or UW
(unofficial withdrawal).
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