GER 2010 Intermediate German I LH

Intermediate German I
GER 2010
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This is a Concurrent Enrollment Course, offering both high school credit through ______________ High
School and college credit through Utah Valley University. Credit from this course is transferable to all
colleges and universities. Contact the receiving institution for how the credits will be applied.
Reviews and builds upon the grammar, reading, writing and conversational skills learned in the first year
courses. Introduces readings and discussions on the history, culture, and literature of the German speaking
world, maintaining a focus on oral proficiency. This is the first semester of the Intermediate German series
and is designed enhance your understanding of the language and culture of the German-speaking countries.
In contrast to your previous classes, this semester we will begin using more complex texts as a vehicle to
stimulate conversation and vocabulary building. The texts will also help you to become familiar with various
aspects of German culture and history.
This class is available to all high school juniors and seniors in good academic standing. High school
prerequisites apply. Students need equivalent knowledge of GER 1020.
Learning Outcomes
Goals. Students should be able to communicate moderately by using isolated words and memorized phrases
with reference to a particular context in which the language has been learned. They should be able to ask
and answer some direct questions and express themselves in writing mostly in the present tense about
familiar objects, their immediate environment and some basic interests. Students should also be able to
demonstrate an understanding of some of the salient features of the target language history and culture.
Anders Gedacht
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Homework Assignments: These assignments will be given as homework assignments and will be
checked and/or graded regularly. Each student must complete the work assigned before coming to class on
the specified day. Homework assignments are designed to reinforce and prepare you for the work we do in
class. Your homework grade is based on timely completion, not on how many mistakes you make. Some of
the open-ended exercises may be corrected together in the classroom or will be the basis of pop quizzes;
therefore, make sure you are prepared at the beginning of each class period. Bring your text to class every
Journals: This semester you will be asked to write in a journal for 20 minutes three times a week.
Occasionally a topic will be assigned, but for the most part you are free to write on any topic of your choice.
The only requirement is that you write continuously for 20 minutes. Purchase two bluebooks at the
bookstore. You will turn one in to me to grade while you write in the other. You will turn in your journal at
the end of each week beginning in the second week (total of 13 weeks of journals). I have found that
students who conscientiously keep such a journal are much more able to fix the vocabulary in their
memories and become better at using what they have learned.
Verb and Vocabulary Quizzes: Every Friday you can expect a vocabulary quiz that will include
learning the principle parts of ten irregular verbs. You will also be quizzed on vocabulary from the chapter
we are currently studying.
Exams: The course will cover the first 6 chapters in Anders Gedacht. Each chapter will be followed
by a test that I will use to evaluate you in each of the 4 language skills. The oral portion will be conducted in
pairs either during the examination or in my office. The tests will contain both oral and written cues similar
to exercises either in the text or in the workbook exercises. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS without
prior coordination with the instructor.
Class attendance: This is crucial to your success in this course. On the other hand, good attendance
and performance is rewarded. If you have perfect attendance, I will drop one week’s journal assignment. If
you have less than 3 absences and better than a 92% you will be exempt from taking the final.
Grading Scale
A = 100-93
A - = 92-90
B+ = 89-87
B = 86-83
B - = 82-80
C+ = 79-77
C = 76-73
C - = 72-70
D+ = 69-67
D = 66-63
D - = 62-60
F = 59-0
Grades and Credit
You will receive the same grade for your high school course as you receive for your college course. Your
grade for this class will become part of your permanent college transcript and will affect your GPA. A low
grade in this course can affect college acceptance and scholarship eligibility.
Academic Integrity
Utah Valley University expects all students to maintain integrity and high standards of individual honesty in
academic work, to obey the law, and to show respect for others. Students of this class are expected to
support an environment of academic integrity, have the right to such an environment, and should avoid all
aspects of academic dishonesty. Examples of academic dishonesty include plagiarizing, faking of data,
sharing information during an exam, discussing an exam with another student who has not taken the exam,
consulting reference material during an exam, submitting a written assignment which was authored by
someone other than you, and/or cheating in any form. Violators of this policy will be subject to disciplinary
action. Cheating will not be tolerated. It will result in a FAILING grade for the course.
In keeping with UVU policy, evidence of academic dishonesty may result in a failing grade in the course and
disciplinary review by the college. Additional information on this topic is published in the student handbook
and is available on the UVU website.
Students with Disabilities
If you have any disability, which may impair your ability to successfully, complete this course, please contact
the Accessibility Services office, 863-8747, BU 146. Academic accommodations are granted for all students
who have qualified documented disabilities. All services are coordinated with the Accessibility Services
Dropping the Class
_________ is the last day to drop the course without it showing on your transcript.
_________ is the last day to withdraw from the class.
If you drop the high school class, you must also withdraw from the UVU class to avoid receiving an E or UW
(unofficial withdrawal).
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