- Due 11/17/2014 (late penalty applies and see other penalties ); also note 10/13/2014 Team Formation Date

Assignment 3
Fall 2014
This is a team assignment. You must form, or be a part of, a team of 4-5 people (no less than 4). Have
team organized by 10/13/2014. The assignment is due 11/17/2014, and is worth 50 points. Your team
will lose 10% of the score if you hand in the material on 11/19/2014(class period). After November 19
(class period), 2014 it will be zero. You will have to (i) develop the system,( ii) develop and make an inclass presentation, and (iii) perform an in-class product demo. (in-class presentation/demo is about 20 30 minutes long for each team.) Note: If you are not in a team and perform this alone, you will get a
Working Artifacts :: (a) requirements specifications; (b) high level design diagrams and explanation; (c)
code listing; (d) test cases and test results; (e ) account of effort spent on these artifacts. (All of these
should be summarized into the deliverables due on 11/17/2014 below)
November 17, 2011 - A copy of your team power point presentation slides explaining: (1) product
requirements, (2) your design, design concerns and thoughts, (3) list of test cases and show test results,
d) team member assignments, (4) data on effort (person hours) spent in requirements /design /code/
test /and (5) team dynamics discussion. Requirements and design should include, but not limited to,
Use Case diagrams and Class Diagrams.
November 19-December 1 – In-class a) presentation and b) demo of your system by each team showing
the “some test scenarios” of both successful and unsuccessful runs (teams will draw on the specific
dates for the presentation/demo). Note: if your team skips the presentation and demo, then you will
lose 40% of your score.
Brief System Description: Your team has been asked to produce a high school debate scheduler and
tracking system.
There may be up to 10 high school teams engaged in weekly debates. The actual debate occurs only on
Saturdays. The debate season is “usually” 10 weeks long. The debate system must allow the entering of
the names of the teams for that debate season. Each team must debate every other team at least once
during the debate season. Each team may have up to 2 debates per Saturday, one against a school in the
morning and one against another school in the afternoon. The system will also keep track of the results
of the weekly debates and declare a “winner” and a “runner-up” for the closing ceremony at the end of
the season. The weekly status and teams’ weekly standing can also be viewed.
Your system will accept the inputs of the team names, the beginning and end dates of the debate
season, and “automatically generate” a schedule of weekly debates for the teams. The generated
schedule may be viewed by anyone, but not changed. Only a “super-referee” can input the team names
and debate season dates. He/she can also go into the system and modify the schedule because there
may be last minute need for changes. If the modified schedule conflicts with the rule of every team must
debate every other team at least once, the automatic scheduler will at least give an error message, if not
provide an updated schedule.
As the debates take place every week, the system allows the debate referee of each contest to enter the
score of the winning team and that of the losing team. Clearly, these referees must have special access
privilege to enter and debate scores. Once the weekly scores are submitted, they cannot be altered
except by the “super-referee.” So, your system must be able to differentiate referee, super-referee, and
the general public for different access rights.
Some things you need to consider/decide for your system: What happens if a team does not show up
or is extremely late for the debate? Does that team forfeit and lose the debate or do you reschedule?
What happens if there is a “bad” weather for some debate teams and their debates have to be
cancelled? Does that imply some rescheduling for the rest of the teams and season? How automatic
should the automatic schedule generator be? How do you score the debate result of win, loss, or tie?
What is the algorithm for declaring “winner” and what happens if there is a tie? These and other
decisions made must be explicitly stated in your product requirements and presented as part of the
slides on requirements.