PHOTOGRAPHY 1 History of Photography Matakuliah : U0173 / FOTOGRAFI 1 1

Matakuliah : U0173 / FOTOGRAFI 1
History of Photography
(Summary of topics that will be covered)
- The theory of how an image is created
- The pioneer people in photography
- The different types of photography that is applicable
in today’s industry
- The different types of camera equipment
- The different formats in a camera system
The Pin Hole Camera (Camera Obscura)
Theory :
Literally : a dark chamber.
Whenever there is a small
round opening (hole) in a dark
enclosed area, light can travel
through this opening to create
an image of the projected
outside surroundings.
*The focus of this image
depends on the distance and
size of the enclosed area (box)
The Uses Of A Pin Hole Camera
 The basic theory of photography can be back traced to the
earliest days even when the camera have not been invented.
 The first film was not created until 1819. What are some of
the uses of a pin hole camera
 Tracing application : artists in the olden days use PHC as a
source for creating an art work through tracing.
 Soon the pinhole camera were modified with additional
lenses so the image could appear more focused and the
lenses could determine the size (zoom) of the image.
The Pioneer People in Photography
 Joseph Niépce
 Louis Daguerre
 Henry Fox Talbot
 George Eastman Kodak
(Although that there are many other pioneer photographers
that contributed to today’s photography, we will only
require you to remember these few names.)
Joseph Nicephore Niépce (Pronounced as Neeps)
• Born in France
• The first person who discovered that an image can be
preserved through a media that is made by a mixture of tar
and other light sensitive ingredients. (Heliographs)
• The first picture was exposed for over 8 hours
• After the discovery, Niépce went to England so his scientific
discovery could be published. But he failed to do so and
went back to France to continue his experiments
Joseph Niépce
• Shortly after , Niepce met with
Louise Daguerre who was
particularly interested with
Niepce’s discovery
• The two became friends and
shared their valuable findings to
improve the discovery.
• Shortly after (5 years), Niepce
passed away
Louis Jacques Daguerre
• Daguerre continued on with Niepce invention and worked with it
to further improve the quality.
• Daguerre was able to shorten the exposure from 8 hours to about
10 minutes.
• In 1839, the process was introduced as : Daguerreotype,
a copper plate coated with polished silver and sensitized with
silver iodide. Developed using mercury vapor, giving a direct
• He then became the first person to be able to photograph people
(portraits). Most of his clients were very rich or important
people due to the fact that this was a new technology and was
very expensive
Examples of the Daguerrotype
Daguerrotype Portraits
Daguerrotype Portraits
Henry Fox Talbot
• Talbot was another scientist in England that pursued
the discovery of creating images (photography)
• Different from the Daguerrotype (which was un
replicable), Talbot created a negative based invention
which allowed him to print multiple images from 1
original source. (invention name / salt print)
• This process was patented by Talbot in 1841, known
as Talbotype (Calotype)
George Eastman Kodak
• Known as the father of modern photography
• A history of Kodak’s during his childhood
• Created the first pocket / consumer based
But , what is “Photography”
How would you define photography in your own words?
• Based from the Latin words - Photos & Grafos
which means painting with light
• Capturing an essence of our world
The 3 most important aspects photography
1. The Camera – The Equipment
2. The Film – Understanding ASA
3. The Light – Lighting Situations