SOIL 4234 Laboratory #5 Soil pH and Liming Pre-Lab (5 points) Due Wednesday, September 17th (next week) at the beginning of lab Student Lab TA 1. 1 pt. Name one condition that can transform neutral soils to acidic soils. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 1 pt. Solubility of ___at low pH values is detrimental to plant growth. a. b. c. d. Ca2+ Al3+ K+ Na+ 3. 1 pt. Average the following sets of pH values using the pH definition: Set 1: 5.2 5.8 5.3 Average: 4. 1 pt. The dilute salt used in the pH lab to measure pH is: e. f. g. h. NaOH NaCl CaCl2 SMP buffer 5. 1 pt. The buffer solution for determining lime recommendations utilized in this lab is: a. SMP b. Sikora