傳染病疑似個案回校上課切結書 學生 (學號: )目前就讀 系 年 班,同意上課期間遵循醫囑, 完成療程及用藥。如經查未遵循醫囑完成療程,本校將依學則(義守大學學則第十 九條第三款)逕行處分。 此致 義守大學 學生 中 華 民 國 年 (簽章) 月 日 Affidavit for the Student who is Suspected of Suffering from an Infectious Disease and Wish to Return to ISU I, , whose student number is , and is presently enrolled at (Class/ Year/ Department), hereby agree that I will take medicine and receive medical treatment as prescribed by the doctor while studying at ISU. If I am found having not followed the doctor’s instructions to take medicine or receive necessary medical treatment, I shall be punished by ISU according to Subparagraph 3 of Article 19 of Academic Rules of I-Shou University without any disagreement. Note: In the event of any disputes or misunderstanding as to the interpretation of the language or terms of this Affidavit, the Chinese language version shall prevail. To I-Shou University Signature: Date: / / /(Y/M/D)