義守大學企業管理學系 碩士論文指導教授調查表 Postgraduate Programs in MBA Thesis Advisor Information 姓名 學號 Name Student ID Number 1.__________ 教授義守大學 ____________________(系/所) 1.Professor of I-Shou University (Department/School/College) 論文指導教授 Thesis Advisors 2.___________ 教授___________(校)_________________(系/所) 2.Professor of (University) (Department/School/College) 論文研究方向 Research Area(s) of Thesis 指導教授簽名 Advisors’ Signature 系辦登錄 For the Use of ISU 備註: 一、 每位研究生須有二位論文指導教授,一位由義守大學校授課教師擔任,一位由鴻龐國際 大學安排具有英文能力之合格教師擔任。 Each student is obliged to have two qualified English supervisors from I-Shou University and Hong Bang University International. 二、 指導教授名單,應於 2013 年 7 月 31 日前提出。指導教授及口試委員之研究領域應與該 生之論文主題相關,若有疑義,得由義守大學之研究生事務委員會決議。 This form should be submitted to ISU before July 31st, 2013. The research fields of the thesis advisors and the committee members should correspond to the thesis topic of the advised student. Should any disagreement occurs, the Council of Student Affairs of prevails. I-Shou University