
Reading word recognition
Strategy: Explicit Rhyming
Appropriate Grade Level: Pre-school
This strategy is designed to have engaging, meaningful, and enjoyable
activities that help children to actively attend to the phonological structure of
oral language.
 Introduce rhyming words as two words that share the rime of a word after
the first letter sound, as in at in cat, hat, sat, pat, bat, and splat.
 Read the book, Goodnight moon.
 Discuss rhyming words.
 Have students’ list rhyming words on 3x 5-index card.
 Punch cards and put on ring.
 Practice daily and add to the cards.
Comments and/or tips:
 Create bulletin board of rhyming words.
 Make a book of rhyming words.
 Have students illustrate their books.
 Have students work in pairs and write sentences using their rhyming
 Have students illustrate their sentences.
Pullen, P.C. & Justice, L.M. (2003) Enhancing phonological awareness,
print awareness, and oral language skills in preschool children.
Intervention in School and Clinic, 39, 87-98.