Carl Jung A Journey Into The Mind Of… "Everything that irritates us about

A Journey Into The Mind Of…
Carl Jung
"Everything that
irritates us about
others can lead us to
an understanding of
Who is Carl Jung?
Carl Jung was born in Kesswill
Switzerland (1875).
As a child he was interested in
history, archaeology, and philosophy.
He studied medicine at the University
of Basel and discovered he had a
passion for psychiatry. He became a
psychiatrist as it gave him the
opportunity to study both the spiritual
and factual sides of the world.
For 9 years he was an assistant
physician at a Psychiatric Hospital
He studied Schizophrenia extensively.
His Early Career…
In 1907 Jung went to Vienna to meet
Freud where they studied along side
each other for a number of years. They
developed their own theories and
corresponded through letters.
They came to parting ways because
Jung disagreed with Freud’s belief that
the sexual component was the only part
of the human personality. Jung also felt
Freud was too narrow-minded about his
views on the unconscious mind and
dream interpretation. Freud’s main
theories were that our sexual libido
controlled our unconscious thoughts
and when dreaming it was our sexual
thoughts that controled the content of
these dreams.
His Early Career Cont.
His first ideas were
published in Psychology of
the Unconscious (it
contained much about
mythological content and
listed parallels between
myths and psychotic
He went on to develop his
own theory called analytic
psychology, for half a
century he wrote religiously
about personality in regards
to symbolic, mythological,
and spiritual views.
His Early Career Cont.
In his personal life he
spent much of his time deep
in self-discovery.
In 1921 he published
Psychological Types
included his perspective of
different personality types
and the relationship between
the conscious and
His Major Theories…
·Focused on the unconscious
and conscious mind…he
believed that the unconscious
played more of a role in
controlling our thought process
(especially during dreaming)
 ·The collective unconscious
was also more dominant factor
in the development of human
His Major Theories Cont…
believed in two
personality types
·Introvert – someone
who keeps to themselves
and is emotionally selfsufficient
Extrovert- someone
who is outgoing and use
their psychological power
to draw people towards
A Final Word on Carl
· Jung’s theories and
beliefs are still used amoung
therapists today
· Much of his work can
be applied to dream
· Due to poor health he
retired and started teaching
in 1947
He died in Zulrich 1961