CHA3U – American History: Who’s Who & Key Events Image

CHA3U – American History: Who’s Who & Key Events
Unit #3: Creating a New Nation
Mini Bio (Description of Accomplishments/Significance)
James Madison
Alexander Hamilton
John Quincy Adams
Daniel Shays
George Washington
Edmund Randolph
Roger Sherman
Rufus King
Baron de Montesquieu
Charles C. Pinckney
John Jay
Henry Knox
Samuel Osgood
Thomas Jefferson
Edmond Genet
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Napoleon Bonaparte
Aaron Burr
John Marshall
Robert Livingston
The Prophet
Lewis and Clark
Oliver Hazard Perry
Francis Scott Key
Andrew Jackson
James Monroe
William Marbury
William Henry Harrison
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
William Hull
Sir Isaac Brock
James Polk
Key Event (Description/Significance)
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Articles of Confederation
Continental Congress
Great Seal of the United States
Northwest Ordinance
Shay’s Rebellion
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plan
Bicameral Legislature
House of Representatives
Three-Fifths Rule
Electoral College
The Federalist Papers
The Executive
The Legislative
The Judicial
The Spirit of the Laws
Checks and Balances
Federalist Era
Whiskey Rebellion
Jay’s Treaty
French Revolution
XYZ Affair
Alien and Sedition Acts
The Louisiana Purchase
Marbury v. Madison
The Embargo Act
The Battle of Tippecanoe
War Hawks
Treaty of Ghent
Battle of New Orleans
Battle of Queenston Heights
The Star Spangled Banner
The Era of Good Feelings
The Monroe Doctrine
The Missouri Compromise
The Age of Jackson
Manifest Destiny
The Mexican War