1301 Unit 2 Study Sheet-SS.doc

1301 Unit 2 Study Sheet
Describe the following persons.
George Washington
Alexander Hamilton
Pierre Charles L’Enfant
Benjamin Banneker
Phyllis Wheatley
Richard Allen
James Madison
Samuel Slater
John Jay
Andrew Jackson
Robert Fulton
John C. Calhoun
John Marshall
Denmark Vesey
Thomas Jefferson
Eli Whitney
Aaron Burr
James Monroe
Henry Clay
Define the following terms:
Second Continental Congress
Fugitive Slave Clause/Law
Articles of Confederation
The Great Compromise
“Republican Mother”
Electoral College
Bill of Rights
Treaty of Paris 1783
Shay’s Rebellion
Judiciary Act of 1789
Pinckney Treaty
U. S. Census of 1790 Bank of the United States
Farewell Address
Marbury vs. Madison
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Embargo of 1807
War Hawks
McCullough vs. Maryland
Whiskey Rebellion
Citizen Genet
midnight appointments
Treaty of Ghent
Andrew Jackson’s Indian Policy
Jay’s Treaty
The Federalist
Second Bank of the United States
Second Great Awakening
American System
49th parallel
Twelfth Amendment
Erie Canal
XYZ Affair
Cotton South
Steamboat technology
McCullough v. Maryland
St. Domingue
Adam-Onis Treaty
Era of Good Feelings
Gibbons vs. Ogden
Monroe Doctrine
Short Essay: Answer the following questions in complete sentences
Which religious group’s leader spoke out against slavery?
Why was slavery not abolished when the Constitution was written?
Explain the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
What is significant about the Lewis and Clark expedition?
What was the impact of the Battle of New Orleans?
Long Essay: Answer the following questions in complete sentences
1. Describe the process by which the Constitutional Convention went about devising
the new Constitution?
2. Detail the events that led to the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Explain
the purpose of those laws?
3. Explain the events surrounding the Louisiana Purchase. Why did Napoleon agree
to sell the Louisiana Territory? Explain why Thomas Jefferson wanted to
purchase the territory?
4. Describe the details of the Missouri Compromise.
5. Explain why the United States went to war with Britain in 1812? What was
similar regarding the outcome of both the War of 1812 and the Battle of New
Orleans on United States citizens?
6. What was the concept of “Expansionism?” Provide examples in your answer.