AP 2 p1.doc

Unit Two: National Infancy to Boundless Nationalism (1783 - 1840)
Louisiana Purchase, Ohio Valley, Mississippi Valley, Missouri Valley, Florida Territory
Kentucky, Tennessee, Vermont, Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, Mississippi, Maine, Missouri,
Arkansas, Michigan
Indian Territory, Texas (Mexico)
federalist, anti-federalist
Native American tribes of the Ohio Valley, “Five Civilized Nations
“War Hawks”
National Republicans, Democrats, Whigs
Transcendentalists, utopians, suffragettes,
Hudson River School
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Edmund Randolph, William Patterson, George Mason, Patrick Henry
George Washington, John Jay, Henry Knox, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson
Samuel Slater, Eli Whitney, Robert Fulton, DeWitt Clinton
the leaders
Lewis & Clark
Cyrus McCormick, John Deere
Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun,
William Henry Harrison
Stephen Decatur, General Winfield Scott, Andrew Jackson, Oliver Hazzard Perry, Tecumseh
James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Martin Van Buren,
W.L. Garrison,
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott,
Horace Mann, Dorothea Dix
Lyman Beecher, Charles Finney
Washington Irving, William Cullen Bryant, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
James Fenimore Cooper, Edgar Allen Poe, Gilbert Stuart, Charles Willson Peale, Jean Houdin,
John Trumbull, John Vanderlyn, Thomas Cole, William Sydney Mount, George Catlin, Karl Bodmer
Revolutionary War debt,
the economy
Jefferson’s Embargo
Panic of 1837,
Hamilton’s Plan, Bank of the United States, The Whiskey Rebellion
Bank of the United States
Lowell System (mill girls),
automated mill, cotton gin,
Nicholas Biddle, pet banks, specie circular
Cotton Kingdom
Erie Canal
daguerreotype (photography),
Shays Rebellion, propertied classes vs. renters and working classes;
social issues
B&O Railroad
‘Era of Good Feelings’, universal male suffrage,
Indian Removal,
Temperance Movement,
abolition, The Liberator,
2nd Great Awakening
Nat Turner’s Rebellion,
The Federalist Papers,
Seneca Falls Convention
The Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance 1785
Constitutional Convention, Virginia Plan/New Jersey Plan, Great Compromise, 3/5 Compromise
The Bill of Rights, ‘unwritten constitution’
Proclamation of Neutrality (1793), Jay’s Treaty (1795), Washington’s Farewell Address (1796)
government action
XYZ Affair, quasi-war with France, fighting the Barbary Pirates,
Alien and Sedition Acts, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Election of 1800, 12th Amendment, Louisiana Purchase, The National Road (Pike)
Embargo Act of 1807, War of 1812, The Battle of New Orleans, Rush-Bagot Agreement
Missouri Compromise
The Monroe Doctrine, Adams-Onis Treaty,
Election of 1824 / “Corrupt Bargain”
Tariff of 1828, Nullification Crisis, “Bank Veto”, Specie Circular, spoils system
Marbury v. Madison, Fletcher v Peck, Dartmouth College v Woodward, McCulloch v Maryland,
Gibbons v Ogden Cherokee Nation v Georgia, Worcester v Georgia