Review Guide: APUSH Unit 2

Review Guide: APUSH Unit 2
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Lafayette & Von Steuben
John Adams
John Locke
King George III
James Madison
John Jay
Alexander Hamilton
Citizen Genet
Inalienable Rights
Popular sovereignty
Common Sense
Second Continental Congress
Olive Branch Petition
Revolutionary War
Advantages/Disadvantages of colonists and British
Major Battles: 3 phases: 1775, Northern (1776-77), Southern (1778-1781)
French Alliance 1778
Treaty of Paris, 1783
Reasons for victory
Articles of Confederation
Provisions--how was it organized?
Weaknesses: examples: defense, taxation, trade
Successes (Northwest Ordinance)
Shay’s Rebellion, 1786-87
Formation of Constitution
Annapolis Convention, 1786
Constitutional Convention, 1787 (Philadelphia)
Participants (Washington, Hamilton, Madison, Franklin, etc.)
Arguments of Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
Influence of Federalist Papers
Major Issues: Representation (Virginia Plan vs. New Jersey Plan)
Separation of powers
Officeholders: responsibilities, limits, terms
-Great Compromise also known as Connecticut Compromise, proposed by Roger Sherman
-3/5 Compromise
Ratification process: state ratifying conventions, 9 needed to adopt Constitution
Inclusion of Bill of Rights
Federalist Period: The New Nation
What did Washington achieve? How did this fit with the Federalist’s agenda?
Strong central government
Hamilton’s financial program
(know the parts & controversies)
Judiciary Act of 1789
Executive departments/Cabinet
Treaty of Greenville/Native Americans
Whiskey Rebellion
Pinckney Treaty
Avoided involvement in the Fr. Revolution
Proclamation of Neutrality
Jay Treaty
Washington’s Farewell Address
What did Adams achieve? In what way did his actions cause backlash and further divisions?
XYZ Affair
Alien and Sedition Acts
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Jefferson entered office in the true spirit of Democratic Republicanism—did he live up to that
Louisiana Purchase
John Marshall and the Supreme Court—Marbury vs. Madison—Judicial Impeachments
Aaron Burr’s secret plot
Challenges to Neutrality—Barbary Pirates—Napoleonic Wars in Europe—Embargo Act of 1807
Was the election of 1800 a revolution?
What were the major causes and consequences of the War of 1812?
Be familiar with: Chesapeake-Leopard, Tippecanoe, Tecumseh, Hartford Convention, Battle of
New Orleans, Harrison, Jackson, Treaty of Ghent, status quo antebellum, Era of Good Feelings,
examples of the new nationalism, James Madison, James Monroe, VA Dynasty