The Treag of Versailles June. 1919 1. Germany is to give up about 70,000 land and lose about 8 million people. Land to be given to France, Denmark and Poland 2. All profits from Germany's westem coal mines to go to France 3. Germany to give up all overseas colonies and trading rights in foreign countries. 4. No German na\\J, air force. Army must be no larger than 100,000 men. 5. German factories to produce goods such cars for the Allies free of charge. as machinery and rail 6. Germany to have no defenses along its border with France or Belgium 7. About $33 Billion to be paid to the Allies in ,.reparations" 8. Included the "War Guilt Clause,,..*The AIIied and associated governments declare, and Germany accepts the responsibility for all the loss and damage saffered by the Altied ind associated governments ss a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her alliei, 9. Many other sections (total 440 articles) 10. League of Nations (U.N) - Germany NOT a member! Signed (incl. Germany) on June Effective: January 10, 1920. 23,l9lg. Name Date Article 51. The territories which were ceded to Germany in 1871 lAlsaceLorrianel, are restored to French sovereignty.... Article Germany renounces . . . all Iher] rights and titles over Iher] overseas possessrons.,.. 9. 1 1 1 59. The German military forces shall be demobilized and reduced. . . 1 60. By . . . March 31, 1920, the German Army must not . . . exceed one hundred thousand men, including officers. . . . The Army shall be devoted exclusively to the maintenance of order within the territory and to the control of the frontiers. . . Article 198. The armed forces of Germany must not include any military naval or Article Article . airforces.... Article 231 . The Allied ... Governmelts affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and Iher] Allies for causing allthe loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war impoled upon them by the aggression of Germany and lhed allies. Souf<e: Ihe Treaty af Vertailles and After (U.5. Government Prlnting Ofli(e). Pre5ented by the Allier to Germany May 7, 1919, at Versailler,and rigned lune 28, 1919. 1. ldentify the terms of the Treaty o;f Versailles that you think were most humiliating to Germany. Explain your choices. Choose any three of the terms listed above. Why would the Allies believe each of these terms was necessary? Why would the Germans believe each of th ese terms would be too damaging? copyright o 2001 cage iFducational PUblishing 279 After the Fighring FICUR-E An armistice does not ensure peace. If is simply an agreemenr to a ceasefire, and war can be resumed if no lasting solution is found. The terms of the armisrice tha ended the First World lvar were very harsh toward the Cermans. The Allies intended to make it impossible for Germany to resume the lvar before the terms of a full peace treary could be drafted. In early 1919, Allied delegates met at Versailles, outside Paris, to draw up the peace treary Canada was grven the right to be present ar rhe paris peace Conference as a separate de)egation from the Brirish. nowever, the Brirish. French. and Americans dominated, and they were responsible for the content of the treafy. The Germans were not allowed to send delegates to.the conference. They rvere forced to agree to the Allies' demands, under the threat that the war would be resumed if they did not. They signed the I-32 Signing ceremony of the Treary of Versat es, Igt9 . . . . Germany was to evd6uate all territories captured during the war and surrender all ItS OVerse as c olo nies. . . ln addition to the termf of the armistice: . rreiman trodps were required to withdraw 10 kilometres east of the Rhine River. They were to leave behind all their artillery machine guns, trucks, and other equipmeirt They were req0ired to surrendertheir and all their merchant . Treary of Versailles under protest on June 23, 19 t9. rasr oi these left in 1929). . . naw Germany was to compensate tha Allies for . war damages. . bermany was to surrender most of its raiiway rolling stock and locomotives to the Fren c h and I elgians. . resutt, many German civilians starved to death during the winter of lglg_.1919.) The German army was reduced in size 100 000 people, and conscription sh io s. The Allied blockade of Germany was to continue until a peace treaty was signed. (As a Germany had to evacuate the Rhineland (Germany west of the Rhine River), which was demiircarizeo and occupi-ed by Allied troops (the . ' to was abolished. The Germans were forbidden to maintain an air force or to build submarines and tanks. The German Navy was reduced from 23 battleshipsto 6 (all buittbefore '|905). Germany was forced to admit responsibility for causing the war (the War Guilt Clause).. Germanywas required to pay damages (reparations) to the Allies in the amount of f6600 million ($30 billion).* Nots that PresidBnt Wilson,s Fo!rtesn points nads no mention of war guih or reoarations. '^-" --;".,1 F&i :- tsEMND dLx UNION OF sovtFI s0ctAUsr fiEPUBUCS lussR) POLANO IIIGMBOUS6 !\.t- PORT!/6ALT + ( f:) ,(l SPAIN c f, FrcuRE PERSIA {lNAN) l-33 Europe in 1922. What changes had occuned since 1914? The Leagrre of Nations ne of the terms of President Wilson's Fourteen roints and of the Treaty ofVersailles was the creon of an organization that would preserve among nations and improve the quality of ^reace life for all the peoples of the world. This organization, the League of Nations, came into being in 1.920. Headquartered in Geneva, in neutral Switzerland, it hegEn with 42 merther narions. Py 1939, i;renbership rvas 63. During the 1920s, rhe League helped ro resolve several disputes befween member nations. However, it was hampered in its lvork because some major narions, including rhe United States, did not belong. In addition, some nations that did belong were not prepared to use troops to compel other countries to obev resolutions passed by the League. During the t930s, internationa.i aggression mounted, and it became clear that the League was not capable ofpreventing a second global conflict. FrcuRE l-34 First in{ormal meeting of the League of Nations in G eneva, Switzerland, 1920 Aft.' th. 1. Fightingr The Tr.ate uf Versaill.t,17l? Whot is on ormisiice? 2. What were the gools of the Allies during the tolks at the Paris Peoce Conferznce? 3. Which countries dominoted fhe Conference? What were their gools? (i) (tt ) (iii) (Do you know who these men ore?) 4. Under whot conditions did the 6errnons sign the Treoty of Versoilles? Do you think thot this wos foirZ 5. Look ot sotne of the terms of the Treoty of Versoilles. Which 3 terrns do vou think ore the rrost hurnilioting to Germony? Why? 6. How wos Conoda involved in the Treoty of Versoilles2 THE END OF WORLD WAR I AND THE TREAry OF VERSAILLES World War One ended at 11:00am on November 1 l, 19i 8 (1 1'n hour of the l1'n day of the 11th month). By the end of the r.var 66,000 Canadian soldiers had been killed and another I 73,000 wounded. On June 28, 1919, most of the countries r.vho had tbught in World War One signed the Treaty of Versailles. Many people thought that this peace treaty r.vould prevent futurc wars. They believed that people and countries would leam from their mistakes and avoid the horrors of another world war. The countries which won the war, especially France wanted revenge on Gennany. They wanted to teach Germany a lesson. They thought that Germany should be forced to take blame for World War I. They insisted that Germany agree to pay back all the money which the rvinners had spent on the war - a total of $3 5,000,000,000 ! Gemany was also lorced to give up its colonies (countries it owned overseas) and some of its lands. Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Denmark and France received German land which contained about 6.500.000 German citizens. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was divided up by the wimers of the war and Communist Russia was punished for leaving the war in 1917. Several new countries like Poiand and Czechoslovakia were created fiom the lands taken away from Germany, Austira-Hungary and Russia. The Treaty of Versailles humiliated the losers. When Germany tried to protest against the conditions of the treaty, the winners of World War I threatened to invade Cermany. Germany was lbrced to sign the treaty but the shame Germany felt would never be forgotten by the German people. Also an interesting note - the Italian people began the war as part of the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy) but the day after the war began, they switched side to fight with the Allies. Even though the Italians fought on the side ofthe Allies during the remainder of the war, they were not very well rewarded for their work by the Treaty of Versailles. Italy received very little new territory as a reward at the peace conference. This angered manlr Italians. When Canada sigred the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, she also became part of the League of Nations a group formed to stop fufure wars. Canadians had made a huge contribution to the war effort. Besides all of the money Canada had spent on the war, 66,000 Canadians had iost their lives. The soldiers who did retum believed they had fought to make the world 'safe for democracy'. They hoped that World War I would be the "war to end all wars." However, the truth was that there was less chance of permanent peace and democracy in the world betbre the slaughter or World War I had begun. They rvould never be able to return to those leisurely days at the turn of the century. The life they had kno',vn was gone forever. THE END OF WORLD WAR I AND THE TREAry OF VERsAILLES 1. World War One ended on 2. How many Canadians rvere killed 3. What was the name of the Peace Treatv that ended the War? 4. What was the treaty meant to do wounded 5. What did France want at the end ofthe war? 6. What countries received land fiom Geramny? 7. What happened to Austria-Hungary? What happened to Russia? 8. \\&at new countries rvere created bv the Treatv? 9. How much money did Germany have to pay the winners? 10. True False The treaty humiliated the Germany people. 1l. Tme False Canada signed the peace Treaty? 12. What organization rvas formed after WWI? What was this organization supposed to prevent?