56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7

The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7
Phone: 905-455-1001
Principal: W. BODSWORTH
Fax: 905-455-3406
Superintendent: L. Kazimowicz- 905-890-1221
Trustee: A. Da Silva 905-706-5679
Secretary: A. Mijandrusic
Parish: St. Jerome Church
Pastor: Fr. Jan Kolodynski
Thank you, Father, for having created us
and given us to each other in the human
family. Thank you for being with us in all our
joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our
sadness, your companionship in our
Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow
and for the whole of our lives. Thank you for
friends, for health and for grace. May we
live this and every day conscious of all that
has been given to us. We make this prayer
in the name of Jesus who loves us and is
the source of all that is good. AMEN
In October, we celebrate the virtue of
A person with empathy:
• Listens when people speak
• Notices when someone is upset and
tries to help
• Can name his/her feelings
• Can see a situation from another
person’s point of view
• Accepts that others have different
October 2012
Principal’s Message
It has been an unusually hectic September
at Pauline Vanier School with the opening of
two more classes to handle our growing
enrolment and a restructuring school-wide
to ensure the capping of classes at an
optimal size. Students adapted well to the
many changes and all classes have settled
in nicely. We thank you for your patience
and understanding during the transition.
We have already gathered several times as
a community—for our opening school mass,
the Terry Fox Run/Walk, Divisional
Assemblies, a Thanksgiving Liturgy and our
annual Open House and Book Fair. We
have welcomed many new students and
teachers, which has added to the
excitement of a new school year.
As we approach Thanksgiving, we reflect on
the many blessings in our lives. We think of
the untiring support we receive from our
trustee, superintendent, parish family and
parent community.
We appreciate the
diverse roles of our partners, as we work
together to create a safe, caring and faithfilled community. Happy Thanksgiving to all
students, families and staff!
Wendy Bodsworth
 for our enthusiastic staff who are
eagerly gearing up for a great year
 for the many helping hands on staff
who have signed up for a wide array of
extra-curricular activities.
 for all families who attended our Open
House and Curriculum Evening. There
was an excellent turnout and a
wonderful expression of community
 for our teacher librarian, Mrs. Henry,
and all of her volunteers for a
successful Book Fair.
 for Ms. Tac and the Youth Faith
Ambassadors for organizing our
annual Thanksgiving Food Drive in
support of the Knights Table.
 for Mrs. Henry for coordinating another
inspirational and successful Terry Fox
Run-Walk event.
for all parents for their support of their
children and our school activities.
 to our parent volunteer, Mrs. Brohart,
for counting pizza money every week
and frequently volunteering to drive
students to various events.
 to our wonderful volunteer parents
who help out in every arena of the
 to our fabulous School Council for
their devotion to our school
St. Jerome’s Parish
8530 Chinguacousy Rd., Brampton
Telephone: 905-455-4260
Fax 905-450-6326
Homepage: http//www.stjeromeparish.ca
Sunday Eucharist: Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
Due to the devastating events in May at the
parish; parishioners, families and students
are asked to attend mass at St. Augustine
High School. We continue to pray for Fr.
Jan, the parish and the community as we
recover from these events. Weekly evening
masses are still held at 7:00 p.m. at the
chapel in St. Jerome’s Parish.
• Be a registered
member of St.
Jerome parish.
• Pick up a First Communion
Registration form at the parish office
after any weekend mass.
• Attend the Parent information session
• Registration ends November 25, 2012.
• Be a registered
member of St.
Jerome parish.
• Pick up a
Registration Package after any
weekend mass.
• Attend the Parent Information
Session TBA.
• Registration ends November 25,
Your decision to send your child to a
Catholic school assures you of a holistic
education characterized by:
Religious and Family Life Education
Daily prayer & liturgical celebration
Community building activities
Active involvement in charity
Gospel values in daily school life
We continue to urge parents to become
involved in the School Council which meets
the first Monday of each month and is
involved in many outstanding initiatives to
support the school. The fall organizational
meeting was held on October 1st and once
again we have an enthusiastic and
visionary council:
Chair: Andrea Virostek
Treasurer: Katrina La Nave
Secretary: Keisha D’Mello
Parish Representative: Colin DeSouza
Fund-raising Representative:
Michelle Mason and Lisa Brandon
OAPCE Representative:
Trudy Watson-Leung
Teacher Representative: Amanda Tac
Principal: Wendy Bodsworth
Our school board is committed to ensuring
that qualified teachers are in our classrooms
at all times. However, in the regular
teacher’s absence, a certified supply
teacher may not always be available. In this
Emergency Instructor may be called upon
as a casual worker, to cover a classroom.
Careful consideration is given to the
selection of persons to fulfill this role. The
Emergency Instructor is given training in
school procedures and is subject to a
Criminal Reference Check before entering
the classroom.
We are also happy to welcome co-op
students and volunteers from St. Augustine
Secondary School, as well as students on
practicum placements from various colleges
and universities in the GTA. All of these
visiting students work alongside our
teachers and assist in the classroom under
the supervision of the teacher or other
school staff. If there are any questions or
concerns about the role of supply teachers,
volunteers, or practicum students please
contact the office for further clarification.
Parents please ensure that the office has
the most up to date information so that we
can properly treat and/or manage your
child’s medical needs at school. For the
safety of your child, as well as other children
in the school ALL MEDICINE, including over
the counter varieties, must be reported to
the office.
If your child requires the
administration of medicine, please contact
the office for the appropriate forms.
Pauline Vanier School has
very explicit Fire Emergency
Evacuation, Lock Down, and
practiced throughout the school year to
ensure that the protocols become second
nature. In preparation for fire drills, students
are reminded to wear shoes in the building
at all times. If a fire alarm goes off, students
are not permitted to stop and put on shoes,
coats, etc. The safety of all students is our
primary concern so every second counts.
In case of a real emergency, our evacuation
SPORTSPLEX located at the North East
Corner of McLaughlin Road and Ray
Lawson Boulevard.
Safety of our students is our most
important priority. Please follow these
safety rules when picking up and
dropping off your children at school:
Do not allow children to get out of the
car until your vehicle has reached the
front of the Kiss and Ride line.
Make sure your child gets out on the
right side of the car where a staff
member is on duty.
Parents using the drive-through lane
must turn left and exit the school
grounds. Vehicles should never cut
in front of the Kiss and Ride Lane to
drive into the Child Care Centre
enormous traffic hazard.
Drivers who hope to find a parking
spot in the round-about parking area
should line up in the Kiss and Ride
Lane before making the turn into the
parking area. That way, if no parking is
available there is a staff member on
duty in the Kiss and Ride lane to guide
your child from the vehicle.
The round-about in front of the
Kindergarten and Child Care Centre is
reserved for parents using the Child
Care Centre. If a parking space exists,
then a parent of a kindergarten child
may park for a few minutes in order to
walk his/her child to the kindergarten
There is absolutely no parking, dropoff, or idling of vehicles permitted
against the curb in the round-about, or
in the area to the east of the school,
designated as “Staff Parking”.
All students are expected to go outside for
recess and thus must come to school
dressed appropriately. Please ensure that
your child has a pair of boots in anticipation
of the winter ahead. For many children, a
spare pair of socks, gloves or clothing may
save a parent a trip to the school. In the
event of inclement weather, students will be
kept indoors.
In wet, muddy or icy
conditions, the students will remain on
paved areas. During recess, supervision is
restricted to the playground areas.
Supervisors on yard duty wear bright
orange/yellow vests, so that they are easily
visible. Please note, that there is no
scheduled supervision provided in the
office. Therefore, if your child is not well
enough to participate in outdoor recess,
please consider keeping him/her at home
until he/she is well enough to go outside for
At Pauline Vanier School we strive to
provide a learning environment that fosters
risk-taking, independence and co-operation.
Our students are very aware of the three
words that best explain our school
EXCELLENCE. Students are encouraged
to base their decisions on the question
“What would Jesus think, say or do?” -always striving to be the best they can be in
every arena of school life—working hard,
playing fair and thinking of the needs and
feelings of others.
We ask you to support a dress code that
promotes standards of modesty and
decorum. Students are expected to be
dressed in clean, neat and appropriate
clothing that is free from offensive language
and pictures.
Appropriate closed-toe,
comfortable footwear must be worn at all
times. Hats/caps must be removed in the
school building. Running shoes, shorts, tshirts are required for gym class. For our
senior students, jewelry and make-up
should be appropriate for daytime wear.
Exposed bare arms, spaghetti straps and
low necklines are not permitted. Students
who are not dressed appropriately may be
required to call home for a change of
Parents are asked to remind their children
of the importance of fair play on the school
yard. The first and most important rule on
the playground is to respect others. If there
are conflicts that cannot be resolved with
“nice words” then students are urged to
report to a teacher wearing a bright orange
vest. We encourage students to welcome
peers into their games, to take turns, and to
avoid contact sports or play fighting.
Students know that they are not allowed to
hit, trip push, shove or tease others. For
safety and security reasons, students are
asked to leave personal electronic devices,
roller blades, skateboards, walkmans,
scooters, laser pens and valuables at home.
Students who bully through name-calling,
spreading rumours, teasing or excluding
others will receive disciplinary intervention.
We continue to work hard to educate
children about the impact of bullying
behaviours and how to prevent and respond
to this serious social phenomenon.
Once again, extra-curricular activities are up
and running at Pauline Vanier School. A
special thank you is extended to all staff
members for their efforts in supervising,
coaching and facilitating these activities.
Teachers and support staff often give of
their free time and lunch hours to contribute
to our programs. We are very proud of all
that we have to offer our student
community. We encourage all students to
participate and to listen carefully to
announcements to know when to attend
meetings and clubs. We encourage all
students from Grades 4-8 to try out for our
athletic teams but they must remember that
academic responsibilities must be
maintained in order to remain on a
school team. In each newsletter we will
highlight a few of the amazing activities
going on at Pauline Vanier.
Our cross country team has been practicing
now for 2 weeks. Students are enthusiastic
and eager to run every Tuesday and
Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. The team is
getting ready for their meet on October 24th
at Erindale Park. We are hoping to qualify
members of the team for the Board Meet on
October 30th. Members of the team are
Jalen S., Sean. G., Micayla V., Sebastian,
N., Lawrencia A., Matthew D., Jessica. Y.
Leanne. D., Philip D., Nicole D, Mithuzha P.,
Nicolas W., Ryan W., Jithmal S., Marciano
M., Chrstian S., Fernanda E, and Natalia E.
The girls’ soccer team has recently
competed in a hard fought tournament. The
girls battled with high intensity in all three of
our soccer games against St. Veronica, San
Lorenzo and St. Barbara. Through thick
and thin, the girls didn’t let up until the final
whistle blew. They performed well and
showed true sportsmanship towards our
opposing schools. We are proud of you
girls! Thanks to Mr. D’Aversa and Mrs.
Verostek for enthusiastically coaching the
team. Special thanks to Mrs. Verostek for
her soccer knowledge and inspiration. The
team members are: Kiara, Monika, Cierra,
Sydney, Caroline, Fernanda, Denay,
Maeve, Omotayo, Lawrencia, Adriana,
Olivia, Melody, Nicole, Karolina. Well done
Congratulations to the Pauline Vanier Boys
Intermediate Soccer team. Our boys had
many hard fought battles against St.
Gregory, St. Barbara and St. Veronica.
Although our boys fell a little short in the
soccer standings, they represented our
school with pride and sportsmanship. The
coaching staff is very proud of them. The
team members are: Ashton L., Jacob M.,
Bernard K., Kyle F., Jacob K., Anthony T.,
Ryan W., Jithmal S., Kaiser N., Noah D.,
Daniel J., Josh J., Cameron S., and Kevon
B. Thanks to Mr. Connelly for his great
coaching efforts.
Mrs. Henry Teacher Librarian
Thank you to all of the students and families
who came out to support the book fair. All
profits earned from the Book Fair will go
towards the purchase of new materials for
your children to use in our library. Thank
you for your generous support!
Throughout the year, our staff will be
involved in a variety of professional
development opportunities to improve
teaching practice and student learning.
Sometimes teachers will go off-site to
attend in-services. At other times, they will
meet together at the school for co-planning
or moderated marking. Sometimes supply
teachers will be booked to support the
classroom when the teacher is involved in
professional development. At other times,
students will gather together to watch a
movie (related to curriculum objectives) as
one way to facilitate release time for
We are pleased to announce
that once again, Madame Byrne
and her Grade 8 students are
hosting the French café entitled
Café Chez Pauline Maison des Monstres.
Students are encouraged to dress up for
Halloween providing that the theme is nonviolent and that the costume does not
involve wearing a mask or bringing a
weapon. A letter about the French café will
be coming home shortly. The cost of the
croissant and beverage is $2.00.
During the month of October our school will
focus on the virtue of empathy. God wants
us to care about everyone’s feelings. God
has given us both the desire and the ability
to form connections with each other—to live
together. Empathy helps us to connect with
each other in meaningful ways to ensure
that we form communities that are safe,
caring and inclusive.
We understand
empathy to mean the ability to identify with
and feel other people’s concerns. Please
spend some time this month talking to your
children about what it means to show
Safety Precautions for Halloween Night
• Wear light-coloured clothing, so you
can be seen by drivers.
• Carry a flashlight, so you will be seen
on dark streets.
• Stay away from cars, especially friendly
acting strangers in cars.
• Watch for cars, and look both ways
when crossing the street.
• Wear your costume above your shoes,
so you will not trip.
• Do not eat any treats until you are
home and your parents have checked
• Do not damage anyone’s property.
• Start trick or treating early and be home
by 8:30 p.m.
The law requires that “members of the
public” including professionals who work
with children, have an obligation to report
promptly to the Children’s Aid Society if
they suspect that a child is or may be in
need of protection. Teachers/principals
and indeed all adults face substantial fines
if they do not comply. It is the role of the
Children’s Aid Society, to whom we report,
to investigate such a report. If your child is
seriously bruised or marked form an
accident you may wish to let the teacher
know the circumstances of the injury so
that suspicions are allayed. Should a
report ever be made to the Children’s Aid
Society, you should understand that we are
complying with the law and always have
the best interests of the child at heart.
Just a reminder that parents in the school
must check in at the office to obtain a
VISITOR BADGE. This ensures the safety
of all students and staff. Circumventing
these procedures undermines everyone’s
security. Please remember that you may
be a parent to your child but to others you
are a stranger. Please be prepared to be
asked to go to the office to get a visitor
badge if you are not wearing one.
Students must be diligent in gathering all
materials prior to the end of the school day.
Once dismissed, there is no supervision
provided to the students. Students/parents
must not return to school after school
hours to retrieve books/belongings. In
order to ensure the safety of the
workplace, no students or parents will
be able to enter any classroom after
Parents who have requested COURTESY
SEATS will be notified of their status within
the next week. There are fewer available
courtesy seats this year than in
previous years.
All students in Kindergarten and Grade
One must wear a read bus protocol tag.
These students must be boarded and
picked up by an adult. We encourage
parents to impress upon their K-1 child that
they should never get off the bus unless
the designated parent or babysitter is there
to pick them up. If no one is the stop, the
child will be returned to the school for the
parent/guardian to be contacted. Parents
and sitters can avoid problems by arriving
at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before
the scheduled arrival time of the bus.
Transportation information for your child is
available at:
You will require your child’s OEN number,
located on each report card. If you require
assistance, please contact the school for
further information. In addition to individual
transportation details, late and/or cancelled
bussing information will be updated
regularly on this site.
Wednesday, October 17th, 2012
Please remind your child(ren) to thank their
bus driver. A smile goes a long way!
It is important that your child is on time for
school. Please be aware that
lessons. Please encourage and
assist your child to take seriously
the responsibility of punctuality. Students
are expected to be in their lines at 8:40
A.M. Students must report to the office if
they are late. Persistent late-comers will
receive consequences.
If it is necessary for you to
deliver your child’s lunch to
school, please advise your
child in advance that you will
be doing so, and write his/her
name on the bag. There is a
table at the front of the school to place the
lunch on. Your child can come to the office
at 11:25 to pick up his/her lunch. For
safety reasons, students will not be
permitted to wait by the front doors or
outside on the driveway for their lunch to
be delivered.
It’s a fact: a healthy mind depends on a
healthy body. Students who eat healthy
food are better prepared to learn and are
more likely to succeed in school. In recent
years, The Ministry of Education has
released a School Food and Beverage
Policy that includes comprehensive
nutrition standards. The policy ensures
that all food and beverages sold in school
will be healthy. For more information about
the Healthy School Initiative visit:
For ten (10) special event days each year
are exempt from this policy.
The board has designated Pauline Vanier
as an up and coming Eco-friendly School.
By the end of the school year we will be
required to meet a rigorous set of criteria to
qualify for Eco-friendly status. Stay tuned
for more information about changes we will
be making school-wide to become more
sensitive to our environment. Students will
be monitored for litterless lunches, recycling
habits, and turning off lights during noninstructional times, to name a few.
Your child’s classroom is a very exciting
place. Important learning activities are
going on there. Staff members make every
attempt to ensure that no time is wasted
and that all students are actively engaged
at all times.
Classroom interruptions
disturb your son or daughter’s learning but
also the flow of the lesson for everyone
else. With this in mind, we ask that you
help by trying to schedule appointments
outside of school time where possible; and
by sending a note to the teacher if your
child must leave early. This way your child
can be waiting for you at the office when
you arrive. Students who leave early must
sign out at the office.
We are pleased to announce that three
parents in our community have returned to
serve as student monitors in supervising
children during lunchtime and on the
playground at lunch recess. These student
monitors have received training for this
important role in our school. Parents are
urged to remind their children that the
parents on duty at noon hour have
positions of responsibility and authority in
the school. Please welcome back Mrs. C.
Brohart, Mrs. J. Reyes and Mrs. T. Liem.
We are so grateful for their support!
We will continue to provide whole wheat
Pizza every Tuesday at noon for $2.00 per
We will also be selling Milk and Cookies on
Wednesdays beginning October 10th, 2012.
We are delighted to report that 25-30
students each day enjoy a nutritious
breakfast served by staff members who
have volunteered to help out. Thanks to
Mrs. Maria DeSouza who has taken on the
responsibility of coordinating the efforts of
the volunteer team. A special thanks to
our parent volunteers who come in every
morning to clean up at the end of Breakfast
Club. The initiative is a team effort made
possible by generous donations from
Breakfast Club Canada and the Girls and
Boys Club. Parents who would like their
child (ren) to benefit from a nutritious
breakfast each day please contact the
office to register.
recognized the significant contributions of
teachers in our own school and around the
world on Friday, October 5th, World
Teacher’s Day. We enjoyed a reflective
PA announcement and a special prayer in
honour of our outstanding teachers. World
Teachers’ Day was inaugurated in 1994 to
commemorate the signing
UNESCO/ILO. More than 100 countries
currently celebrate Teacher’s Day.
Pauline Vanier we are very blessed to
have so many dedicated individuals who
work very hard to improve the learning
Thank you to all our
We are pleased with the response to our
Thanksgiving Food Drive sponsored by our
Youth Faith Ambassadors. Thanks to all of
you for your generosity. The Youth Faith
Ambassadors and Ms. Tac will deliver the
non-perishable foods before Thanksgiving.
The 2011-2012 EQAO results for Pauline
Vanier School can now be viewed on the
EQAO web-site:
It is important to keep in mind that these
results are a snapshot of student
achievement and must be considered along
with a variety of assessments which occur
in the classroom.
Summary of Results
Percentage of all students at or above the
provincial standard (Level 3 and 4) in 20112012
Grade 3:
Reading: School 63% Board 70%
Writing: School 67% Board 80%
Math: School 47% Board 70%
Grade 6:
Reading: School 74% Board 78%
Writing: School 65% Board 78%
Math: School 61% Board 63%
participating in the Ministry of Education’s
Homework Helps Project. The project’s
goal is to promote student success and
has now expanded to include 32 English
speaking boards province-wide.
fundamental aspects of the project:
• Ontario Educational Resource
Bank- the site provides support and
resources for teachers, parents and
students from Grades K to 12.
provides students in Grades 7 to 10
with a variety of math resources as
well as free online tutoring Sunday
to Thursday evenings.
Thanks to Mrs. Henry for co-ordinating a
very successful Terry Fox Run/Walk. On
Friday, September 28th all of Pauline
Vanier School was out walking and running
for the memory of Terry Fox and to support
the fight for cancer research and treatment.
Students went en masse on a wonderful
walk throughout the neighbourhood and
completed the day with many laps around
the perimeter of the school grounds. To
prepare for the walk, teachers shared
stories about Terry Fox with their classes
and gathered for a promotional movie and
a candle service dedicated to family and
friends who have lost someone to cancer.
We exceeded our goal and raised
$1975.15-- an outstanding accomplishment
by everyone!
Pauline Vanier School continues to be
involved in this exciting new project.
Please join us in making it successful. The
plan is simple. We collect empty milk bags
which are then woven into durable sleeping
mats for needy families in developing
countries. With very little effort we are able
• Reduce waste in our landfills
• Provide long-lasting durable
bedding options for those in need
Please wash and dry the milk bags before
sending them in to your child’s classroom
teacher. Help us to make a difference!!
Does your child have an allergy??
Please communicate with us in two ways:
1. Call the office to check that your records
re: allergies and treatment protocols are
Should your child be
wearing a pouch/fanny pack to carry an
2. Speak to your child’s teacher to confirm
the type of allergy, the extent of your
child’s allergic reaction to the allergen, and
the recommended emergency response.
We will do everything possible to keep your
child safe by reducing contact with known
allergens. However, we can only act on
what we know, so please keep us
We extend a huge apology for the delay in
getting the student agendas out to our
families. The agendas were distributed
earlier this week. Please be aware that the
delay was completely out of our control,
and, in the end the vendor accepted full
responsibility for “dropping the ball.” As a
result, the vendor has waived the cost of the
agendas and, in turn, we will pass the
reimbursement on to you.
If you want a $5.00 refund please
REFUND FORM. No refunds will be issued
without this completed form. If, on the other
hand, you prefer to donate the cost of your
student agenda to the school we would be
extremely grateful. We will use the money
generated by agenda sales to purchase the
rights to the Musical Theatre production The
Wizard of Oz which is slated to be
performed by a cast of Grades 4-8 students
later this spring.
Gracious and merciful God of all
You made us to live together
in communities.
We are nothing without relationships.
You have given us the virtue of
to ensure that we are able to identify
and feel other people’s concerns.
We come to you now asking
for the grace and strength
to help us connect and live together
in a safe and caring way.
May your gift of empathy lead us
to know and feel your presence
among us.
Bus Driver Appreciation Day
October 17th, 2012
‘Follow your Dreams’ Assembly
Inspirational Speaker
Lesley Andrews
2:00 p.m. October 18th
All are welcome
When Faith Meets Pedagogy
Teacher Conference
October 19th, 2012
Photo Retake Day
October 22, 2012
Family X-Country Meet
October 24, 2012
Virtue Assembly
October 25, 2012
French Café
October 31st, 2012
Magazine Renewal Campaign
November 1st, 2012
Progress Reports Go Home
November 6th, 2012
Parent Teacher Interviews
November 8th, 2012
Evening only
Primary Division
JK-SK AM /PM Maria DeSouza
JK-SK AM-Ccorrie Tersigni
JK-SK PM-Sue Grasman
Grade 1-Angela Mayer
Grade 1/2 -Anica Prlic
Grade 2-Tanya Passarelli
Grade 2/3-Sandra Venalainen
Grade 3- Rose Cotic
Junior Division
Grade 3/4-Marsha Vigneault
Grade 4/5-Amanda Tac
Grade 5-Rebecca Bagley
Grade 6-Jessie DeSouza
Intermediate Division
Grade 6/7-Stephen D’Aversa
Grade 7/8-Patrick Daniels
Grade 8-Chris Connelly
Other Teaching Staff
SERC/SERT-Mrs. Thomas
SERT/PT-Ms. Grasman
PT-Mrs. Curran
ESL-Connie D’Souza
ESL-Eva DeSouza
FSL-Madame Kathy Byrne
FSL-Madame Magdalena Wietczac
Educational Resource Workers
Karen Piekarz-Mackisoc
Andria Miller
Carla Hernandez
Cindy Sementilli
Be thankful that you don’t have
everything you desire. If you did, what
would there be to look forward to?
…an all-time favourite treat for children
of all ages is Milk ‘n’ Cookies. Just like
our regular Pizza Days, this snack will
be available EVERY WEDNESDAY for
$2.00 ($1.00 for each item) with NO
Please consider sending your child to
school with a Toonie every Wednesday
to participate in this yummy treat! All
funds collected will be used to
Be thankful when you don’t know
something, for it gives you the
opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times, during
these times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities for
Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength and
Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you are tired and
weary, because it means you’ve made
a difference.
It’s easy to be thankful for the good
things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to
those who are also thankful for the
Gratitude can turn a negative into a
positive. Find a way to be thankful for
your troubles, and they can become
your blessings.
Author unknown