The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 56 Oaklea Blvd, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4W7 Phone: 905-455-1001 Principal: D. Furlong Fax: 905-455-3406 Superintendent: L. Kazimowicz- 905-890-1221 Trustee: T. Da Silva 905-459-7089 Secretary: A. Mijandrusic Parish: St. Jerome Church Pastor: Fr. Jan Kolodynski 905-455-4260 NEWSLETTER #2 Empathy Gracious and merciful God of all creation, You made us to live together in communities. We are nothing without relationships. You have given us the virtue of empathy to ensure that we are able to identify with and feel other people’s concerns. We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to help us connect and live together in a safe and caring way. May your gift of empathy lead us to know and feel your presence among us. Amen. In October we celebrate the virtue of empathy. A person with empathy Listens when people speak Notices when someone is upset and tries to help Can name his/her feelings Can see a situation from another person’s point of view Accepts that others have different perspectives October 2009 Principal’s Message Thank you to our school community for attending our Open House BBQ and Curriculum Evening. It was great to see such a wonderful turn-out. Thank you to our Trustee Tony Da Silva for making the time to join us. Thank you to Fr. Jan for celebrating our Opening and Thanksgiving Mass on October 8th. The Junior Division did an amazing job planning and organizing the Mass. The gym was transformed into a sacred space. The students’ behaviour was reflective and very respectful during the Mass. The Choir, under the direction of S. Muzzatti were awesome! Thank you to the Intermediate Planning Committee for organizing the Thanksgiving Food Drive. The non-perishable food items will be picked up by the Knight’s Table. The food will support families in Brampton. Thank you to all parents for your support in helping the children make a difference. Sad news! Due to a drop in student numbers, we presently have 387 students, Peter Krolewski, our half-time Vice-Principal, has been re-assigned to St. Monica School. We wish to thank Mr. Krolewski for the wonderful work he did at Pauline Vanier in curriculum, computers, ice hockey team, the Spirit Week Hockey game, and the great support he provided students. He will be missed. D. Furlong EVACUATION & SAFETY PRACTICES Pauline Vanier School has detail Fire/Emergency Evacuation, Lock Down, and Hold & Secure Risk Procedures. These procedures are practiced during the school year to ensure everyone is aware of the procedures to follow in order to exit the building safely. In case of an emergency, our evacuation site is SOUTH FLETCHER’S SPORTSPLEX, N/E CORNER OF MCLAUGHLIN and RAY LAWSON Students are reminded to wear shoes in the building at all times. If a fire alarm goes off, students will not be permitted to stop and put on shoes, coats, hats, etc. The safety of ALL STUDENTS is our primary concern. If you wish your child to be considered for an empty seat on Bus #1, please have your child pick up an Empty Seat Request Form at the Office. Request forms must be received by P. Krolewski by Thursday, October 23rd. Please be aware that no additional stops will be added. You will receive a letter indicating whether or not your request has been granted. As we have only one bus in the Kingknoll and Creditstone area and many more requests than empty seats available, it will not be possible to allow everyone an empty seat. Please note, if requesting an empty seat for medical reasons, the request must be accompanied by a note from your Family Doctor. KISS & RIDE SCHOOL SAFETY Could all parents driving their children to school please use the KISS & RIDE lane. Please do not allow your children to disembark from the car until you have reached the front of the line. Please have your child disembark from the right side of the car. A staff member will guide your child to the sidewalk. We continue to remind our students about school safety. Students are reminded on a regular basis that there is to be no physical contact, i.e. pushing, shoving, hitting, punching. What can be viewed as playing, can result in students getting hurt. We realize that in most cases, children do not mean to hurt other children, however because of physical contact, students can get seriously hurt. Through continuous reminders, we are trying to prevent this from happening. We ask your continued support to remind your children to play with others without physical contact. The round-about in front of the Kindergarten and Child Care Centre yards is reserved for parents using the Child Care Centre and/or if a parking space is available for parents of Kindergarten children that are being walked by the parent to the Kindergarten yard. Please do not park along the curb or over the cross-walk in that area, as you are putting other children at risk. Last week a parent put their car in reverse, went up on the sidewalk, and came within a foot of hitting a child they did not see. Parents using the Drive-Through Lane (far left lane), are suppose to turn left and exit. Please do not cut in front of the Kiss & Ride Lane (middle lane) to drive into the Child-Care Centre round-about as you are causing a traffic hazard. Position your car in the Kiss & Ride lane if you are planning to park in the round-about parking area. This way if there is no room to park, a staff member can safely escort your child from the car to the sidewalk. Thank you for supporting safety at Pauline Vanier. EMPTY SEAT POLICY INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE ELEMENTARY PROGRAM Elementary International classes are available to students in grades JK to 8 at specific elementary schools within Dufferin-Peel on Saturday mornings. No prior language experience is necessary. International Language programs comply with the Ministry of Education curriculum and will be of interest to students who wish to preserve their language and cultural heritage and to those who wish to study the language and heritage of another culture. Enrolment is limited at each location. On-going Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis on Saturdays throughout the year. Flyers were distributed in mid-August, with the Mississauga News and Brampton Guardian newspapers, and include more information regarding language offerings at specific IL Sites. Please proceed to the site of your choice to register, on Saturdays only between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. If you have any questions please contact: Adult & Continuing Education office at 905-891-9263. DO NOT CONTACT YOUR ELEMENTARY DAY SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE INFORMATION. PROGRAM DATES: Saturday September 6, 2008 LAST DAY OF CLASSES: Saturday June 6, 2009 BUS DRIVER APPRECIATION Wednesday, October 22, 2008 DAY Please remind your child(ren) to thank their bus driver. A smile goes a long way. PICTURE RETAKES Tuesday, November 4th HEPATITIS B INNOCULATIONS Wednesday, November 5th Grade 7 students Grade 8 Catch up Clinic, for students who missed the opportunity last year HPV INNOCULATIONS Wednesday, November 5th Grade 8 girls If you have any questions please call the Peel Health Department at 905-799-7700, ext 2527. Permission Forms were sent home October 14th FAMILY CROSS COUNTRY MEET Thursday, October 16 Twelve students will represent Pauline Vanier. Thank you to N. Pavic for working with the students. VOLLEYBALL The Intermediate Boys and Girls Volleyball Teams have been practicing their skills. Thank you to coaches F. Cataldo and P. Daniels for working with the students. COMMUNITY MEETING ST. ROCH CATHOLIC SECONDARY Thursday, October 23 at 7:00 p.m. This meeting is for parents of grades 7 and 8 students living west of Chinguacousy Rd. The meeting will take place at St. Augustine Secondary; 27 Drinkwater Rd., Brampton. An information form was sent home October 14. SACRAMENTS St. Jerome’s Parish 8530 Chinguacousy Rd., Brampton 905-455-4260 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Parents’ Information Meeting October 21 or October 22 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. CONFIRMATION Parents’ Information Meeting November 4 or November 5 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Please pick up a Registration Package at the church office. Bring a copy of your child’s Baptismal certificate and the completed registration form to the meeting.